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Top 10 Mistakes Bloggers Should Avoid


Mythical member
Jan 27, 2012
Here in this article I am going to list some of the most common mistakes bloggers should avoid.
  • Using Long Paragraphs
Try to be specific on what you are writing and often use bulletted list. This is because most of the people who read stuffs online, will simply scan the overall blogpost before actually reading it. So you have to make the reader get an overall idea about the blog post and peak their interest. there is nothing wrong with long paragraphs, but its a little bit difficult to make the reader stay interested.
  • Impressing the readers with your vocabulary
Your readers are reading your blog because they find it interesting. So make it simple and concentrate on the content. Make it interesting, not complicated!
  • No images in your Blog Posts
As I said earlier, people will first scan your entire post before actually reading it. So including an image which describes the blog post will make it more attractive. These images give the key message of the blog post to the reader. It is good in terms of SEO also.
  • Copying contents from popular websites
This is one thing you shouldn't ever do. First of all, people who have seen the original content are never gonna come back to your blog. Also search engines, sometimes punish the websites which have duplicate content.
  • Posting irregularly
If you have a blog, you should keep posting on a regular basis. This will get you frequent returning visitors and more pageviews. If a visitor return to your blog, and find no new content, most probably you will never have that visitor again.
  • Having lots of Advertisements
I know you want to make money. But a blog with lots of ads are definitly a turn off for the visitors. If you want to make money, try to find a place in your blog with good visibility. In my opinion one blog shouldn't have more than 2 advertisements. Also be sure not to change the ad position frequently. That will piss of the frequent visitors. Do a proper research and find out a good place which has higher Click Through Rate(CTR) and never change the ad position. Also say no to all the pop ups and pop unders.
  • Buying Links
Buying links often end up bad for your blog. If you're careful enough to do a research on the links you're buying, it will not be a problem. But still there are risks of getting blacklisted by search engines. If the link you're selling/buying is known for spamming, or known for selling/buying links, then that's not good. Its always better not to buy links! Also beware of the automatic link submission services. If you're buying links from a provider which uses automatic tools for bulding links, you're blog WILL be penalized by popular searrch engines.
  • Not replying to Comments
Try to be friendly with all your readers. That will get you more & more comments. Google loves blogs with lots of comments. If you never reply to the readers, your readers will stop commenting on your blog as they see no one to reply to their comments. By replying to the comments, you are sure to gain returning visitors.
  • Posting about almost everything
If you're a beginner in blogging, I would recommend you to stick on one particular topic or niche. If you are blogging about almost all the topics available, you would never score higher in search engines. You should concentrate on one particular topic and post about that almost every day, if you can, make it twice or thrice everyday. Now this could get you a higher SERP.
  • Trying to create backlinks anywhere possible
Backlinks are good for your blog. But it is good only when the links come from a website with similar niche. If the website on which you're creating backlinks, has nothing to do with your website's topic, then those backlinks does you no good. If your website has lots of backlinks coming from websites with different niche, then the possiblity of search engines penalizing you is higher.

If you read this and avoid all the stuffs I pointed out above, you're going to own a very successful blog. But you should give it some time. Success never comes easy. So be patient and keep working hard.
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In addition to this: Posting irregularly- you need to set a regular routine. It's REALLY hard to post once or twice a day to start with. You're better off posting 3 times a week unless you have enough time.

Nice Article :D
Well, I sort of disagree with the "posting irregularly" part. It's not about posting at a specific time every single week. It's basically a balancing act of quality vs. quantity. You want to post about things that stimulates your readers but at the same time, you don't want to leave people waiting for more for so long that they just give up on it and leave.

If by posting irregularly you mean that you just post once every 6 months or something, then yes, I agree. But what I think you're implying is that it has to be once every week definite. Well, the whole point of blogs is so that you don't have to have a strict schedule. You can post once then wait 5 days, post again, wait 1.5 weeks and then 6 days. You don't need to post at a definite time since you're not on a schedule.
Well, I sort of disagree with the "posting irregularly" part. It's not about posting at a specific time every single week.

I disagree on basis of my own experience. Well, a part of your statement is true. It doesn't have to be a TIGHT schedule, but still having no schedule is not good for blogs!
If you have schedule on writing posts, then that's good and you're going to get more traffic(from returning visitors+ the usual search engine traffic). If you don't have any schedule, you will have to depend on the search engine traffic mostly. Returning visitors are going to be considerably less.
Great guide, will be using some of those tips. I agree with Sam on setting a regular routine on when to post. I've found that irregular posting sort of drives me away.

For the "Not replying to comments" one, I agree and disagree. Yes, we should reply to as many comments as you can, but you if you have a popular blog that gets hundreds or thousands of comments a post, you shouldn't have to respond to all of them, since that can be kind of a hassle. I do agree that we should respond to as many as we can, and within a timely manner.
I guess to each their own. As long as you don't leave a long leave gap where your blog seems to have been abandoned, I think it'd still be fine. I guess it also depends on your niche. If it's on the "latest games released" or something, then of course you'd want to update as soon as possible considering that people would want to know something as soon as it comes out.

Another tip for "Not replying to comments" is don't come off as aggressive. If you think that what you're about to say might stir up controversy just conveniently ignore it. People will conclude that you probably just missed the comment or something. In my experience if you don't know what people want to hear, then you probably shouldn't comment back at it.
I was an offender of 5,6,8 and 10 when I was a new blogger 3 years ago.

Posting irregularly - I write 5 posts and disappear for a month.
Lots of Ads - I put many ads after my first week blogging.
Comments - I never participate in my own comments
Chasing Back Links - I wasted so much time doing this. LOL!
I've looked back at the guide. It's funny, because sometimes you think some of the advice is common sense, but human nature makes us lazy and greedy. So being lazy, people start to post less and not comment, and being greedy, people tend to put more ads. Ironically this leads to the exact opposite of what the desired goal is: to create a successful website.
Some honestly great tips to understand when blogging. Thanks for this article.
You have mentioned some very good points.

I agree with you about having an image in blog post. Many readers actually prefer images more than words.
All great tips I would say as well to try to avoid cheap outsourcing for traffic etc.. because you may get little boosts here and there but in the long run advertisers will not be pleased with you. You'll be spending time and money on wasted resources. There is pretty much no such thing as cheap or free "paid traffic" if you want good traffic to your website build up your brand through social media and through regular posting and identifying an audience. This way SEO will follow as Google will see your increasing brand presence and you will get regular traffic. It may take longer but if you don't have an upfront budget to spend on PPC campaigns and email acquisition etc.. then this is your best choice.
Thank you for writing up this guide. I'm new to blogging and have tried it before and could have definitely used the tips then. I will definitely be saving this guide and using it when I work on the new blog I am creating :)

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