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This is an introduction thread.


Legendary member
Jun 30, 2012
*Insert Epic Music Here*
Hello one and all!
My names Matt, I'm from the Emerald Isle of Ireland! I'm into Rugby, Football and Gaelic football, I'm also an avid gamer so I'm usually always on some sort of gaming website or playing my 360.

I've been very active on forums for the past few years although I stopped posting on most of them once my exmas loomed; now that those are over, I've decided to pick up the art of foruming and once again conquer the Internet.

I know a few of the members here, however I doubt they remember me.
I was the sole moderator of NextGenGamers along with the three administrators "Choloboy","Phairchild" and "DFx"; If I can recall correctly ford1001 was a VIP with 363 posts, I also notice a few other people but I cant be bothered to list them. After 2 years of great success, activity died down and we eventually decided to shut.

I'm a frantic forum addict, so I tend to stay up on my laptop 'till 4-5AM posting.. I go under a few alias on forums, these are my main ones:
  • Fanatic
  • Gytix
  • Prouduction
  • Submit
I discovered this site through Haze on PB, and once I clicked the link to WebGuru, I was hooked. You will all hopefully be seeing a lot of me, as I'm already addicted to WGBB.
So that's me, sort of.
*End of Epic Music*
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Nice to meet you Matt, even though we've already been having a nice long chat! I'm glad we've managed to addict you to WGBB goodness though. We're doing something right, haha. I'll see you around mate.
well, thats a heck of an introduction :) Welcome!

Thanks mate! I tried :love:

Nice to meet you Matt, even though we've already been having a nice long chat! I'm glad we've managed to addict you to WGBB goodness though. We're doing something right, haha. I'll see you around mate.

Pfft, Haze; we're practically brothers now.
I'll be on here a lot, so get use to it. :sneaky:

Haha, I'll look forward to seeing you around the place mate. Unfortunately you'll have to get used to Sam and xpl0iter next week as I won't be here. xD
Ikr? You better get those packages on PB done, or Sylar will be angry. :rofl:
Where you going?

Just two hours up north to Skegness. My girlfriend and I have a caravan there and we go there just to chillax and wind down from everything. No internet though! :( And I wanna but I don't wanna do reviews for people who don't care. :3
Just two hours up north to Skegness. My girlfriend and I have a caravan there and we go there just to chillax and wind down from everything. No internet though! :( And I wanna but I don't wanna do reviews for people who don't care. :3

Your going with your girlfriend, huh? In that case who cares about WGBB, get stuck in mate. :ilike:
Sorry mate. I had to do some stuffs in my real life!
Anyway I am back now.
I will be the one who's responsible for Sylar's prizes! :)

And yeah, a warm welcome to our community. :)

Thanks mate, love the site; addicted to it lol
Hear that? He's from PB, the best forum evar! <3
Welcome to the forum mate, let's get posting :sneaky:

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