Generally when someone ventures into a business, one of the most important tasks is the bookkeeper or the accountant that manages and records the finance of the business. If you do not have the necessary skills to take on this task by yourself then you can revert it to another person that your employee, who is experienced and can handle such tasks as well.
Either way, whether you are handling it yourself or giving it to someone else to manage, you have to be able to understand some of the basic financial statement to ensure that you stay up to date with how your business is progressing. The three financial statements that I believe that you need to be versed in are:
1. The balance sheet - this shows yoru assets and liabilities of the business and ensures that there are no discrepancies
2. The income statement showing the expenses and the income of the business
3. The cash flow projection to show how cash is coming into and being spent from the business and may include future predictions as well.
Are there are other financial statements or requirements that you feel that an owner should be well versed in?