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Steve Wozniak hates all these patent wars


Mythical member
Jan 27, 2012
“I hate it,” says Woz of the constant patent fights. “I wish everybody would just agree to exchange all the patents and everybody can build the best forms they want to use everybody’s technologies.”

Now this is really inspiring. He really stands for a better tomorrow and a better technology unlike Steve Jobs. I love this guy.
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As much as I am an Apple fanboy, I too detest all this patent crap. It is a world where everything is now essentially being contested over which in the end, will stifle innovation in my eyes and the world needs to evolve and innovate from different people and not from under Apples umbrella as I feel that is what they are doing as they want everything innovative to come out from their company. Hell, I would be frightend to do anytrhing technological atm due to all this.
Oh no. Apples fans:puke:

Well for one thing, no mater how brilliant Steve Jobs was, (to an extent that was way over exaggerated) I always found Steve Wozniak to be a better person in general.

However, you also just have to look at it as anything else. If you design a brilliant web design, (or something, w.e you let your imagination go to) and you don't want anyone stealing it, but they do. You would be upset would you not?

In addition though, with all this new stuff that these phone companies keep trying to come up with are basically all ideas from another idea now anyways. Nothing original.
I say fuck the patents. If I wan't to make a small touch-screen telephone device that I will call the iMobile; I'll do it. Fuck Apple and their totalitarian dictatorship among the technology community, Knowledge is a power that is too be shared, not to be kept for greed.

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