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SoCo's Revisited Signatures

Southern Comfort

Loyal member
Jun 26, 2012
Let's cut to the chase. I've been graphic designing for 4+ years now, I know my way around photoshop but would you like to see what it was like when I didn't? A scared young SoCo in a giant world of graphic design goodness? The images you are about to see are very cringe worthy and well, they blow. That is why I've come up with this series here for WebGuruBB exclusively to maybe inspire new graphic designers my before and after. It takes a bit of time to improve yourself, but once you do you'll be much more happier with your results.

And without further ado, I bring you...

Warning: Some pretty strong language here, only for comedy purposes. You have been warned.
I remake old signatures and you can see how much I've improved! Boom.​
James Hetfield Signature:
This was perhaps my very first signature. It was... well at the time I thought I was a graphical badass that could fuck up anyone ever and just made something fantastic. A few days later I looked at some tutorials and then back at my first signature ever and nearly punched myself. How the fuck was I this bad? I was told photoshop was easy and anyone could be a supreme badass... I guess not.​
Feel free to laugh, that's what this thread is here for along with learning purposes. I use to go by the name NixonPunch (I have no fucking clue either) and I made the rookie mistake of putting my text in the corner. DON'T FUCKING DO THAT. Make sure your text either goes with the flow, or there isn't any at all. My improved product is trying to replicate sort of the same style but make it better. It was a bit of a new style really as I haven't did a full blown smudge signature before.​
This is what I wanted way back then. Having one of my favorite lead singers out there look like he is playing his heart out, brightish lights but everything else is a blur. My honest opinion on this is at a first glance I like it, but there is so many improvements I could have made. It's a different look so that's a plus, and it is WAAAAY better than my first signature. If I hadn't improved in all that time it would be time to quit! Just a quick note if text doesn't look that good on a signature or draws the eye away from the focal point, get rid of it. Trust me, no text signatures are just as good, if not better, than signatures with text. Let me know down below if you like this signature and feel free to make fun of the shitty first one!​
Thanks for reading and I hope you've enjoyed the thread so far! I plan on updating this fairly often and keep it updated and what not. The past signatures are from years ago and the remastered versions are just recently. The idea came to me.... in a dream... Not really, but yeah. Make sure to let me know what you think down below!​
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Wow, that's pretty sweet..
You need to create a Graphics guide and a resource thread with some of your brushes and shit.. I "really" wan't to get into this.
Wow, that's pretty sweet..
You need to create a Graphics guide and a resource thread with some of your brushes and shit.. I "really" wan't to get into this.
I might release a resource pack fairly soon and as for tutorials and such, I'd be down for making one.
I actually own all of Adobe CS5 and CS6, but I have NO IDEA how to use any application bar Premiere Pro. Using After Effects had no sound.

I should really learn a bit of Photoshop...

--Sent from Tapatalk
I've got Photoshop CS5, I need to get a lot more use out of it though..
I actually own all of Adobe CS5 and CS6, but I have NO IDEA how to use any application bar Premiere Pro. Using After Effects had no sound.

I should really learn a bit of Photoshop...

--Sent from Tapatalk
It's quite easy if you watch a few beginner tutorials on Youtube. Whatever you want to make there is a tutorial for it. :p You will however want to download a lot of resources before starting.

I've got Photoshop CS5, I need to get a lot more use out of it though..
I'd be interested in seeing what you can do. :)
If you post a few Graphic tutorials, I'm sure you'd get a lot of love. <3
I might make a request on that sig I revisited, but I used some Topaz filters and not everyone can afford those so not everyone could make that... Hmmm.... Yeah I might post something up. It sounds like fun. :p Would it perhaps count towards this contest? Hmmm... wink wink ;) :)
Well you get WGBB$ for making guides...:p
Well hot damn. Sorry Gytix, we know who the winner will be now. >: )

You care if the guide is in image form though? I'm sure you've seen tutorials like that. Just to make it look nicer and such.
I'm fine with that but myself, Sam and Xploiter have a thread set up for guide judging so it'll be up them. As long as its beneficial though I am sure you'll get something. ^_^ Unique guides get more WGBB$ than re-posted ones. xD
I'm fine with that but myself, Sam and Xploiter have a thread set up for guide judging so it'll be up them. As long as its beneficial though I am sure you'll get something. ^_^ Unique guides get more WGBB$ than re-posted ones. xD
Of course mine would be made from scratch. ;)

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