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Preparing for the Worst Case Scenario on Forums?


Mythical member
Jan 27, 2012
Well, accoding to each admin, the worst case scenarios will differ I guess.
In my case it would be the following.
  • dos
    • For dos, I guess I will be able to do nothing as I am on a reseller host and all things like these will have to be handled by the hosting providers!
  • friend turned enemy
    • I don't have any idea on how to avoid this. I mean overtime you will build relationships with people who work with you. But for now, I don't consider this as a threat in webgurubb. As you may already know, we do have 2 awesome staffs here! :p
  • being hacked
    • Now for this, I am prepared I guess. by taking backups every now and then, by not using the same password twice in any of my websites. But again hacking cannot be avoided if, it becomes targeted!
  • host shutdown
    • I guess the backups will do fine in this case!
So what do you guys think?
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DDoS is minor, I've been targeted by that before. Website was back up in 5 minutes.

As for the betrayal thing, I always have the ace up my sleeve ready just in-case. My current ace is PhpMyAdmin. You can preform a lot of AdminCP actions from an SQL query or database modification.

For hacking, I remain super-paranoid. I password /admin, use a Supervisor password, and a complex normal password.

Shutdown by host: Daily MySQL and /public_html/ backup.

--Sent from Tapatalk
Hacking is probably the highest on that list... You usually won't get DDOSed unless you've really angered someone out there or you're a large target that they perceive as cool to take you down.

Basically to prepare for all of these you should:

- Never give staff Cpanel Access.
- Have a sense of staff, their motivation and their mood.
- Make daily backups.
- Have secure passwords.
- Use a reliable hosting company.
Nobody but me has AdminCP or cPanel on my websites. XenForo, I just restrict a lot in the admin.php file.

--Sent from Tapatalk
Oh my gosh, I had the friend turned enemy situation - it was horrible, she was actually one of my closest confidantes and even in my wedding party, but we had a major disagreement over our business decisions. Not only did she charge up the bills without me knowing, she also took our expenses in her name. It was so bad and I was so unaware of the financial situation that when my attorney and I finally got it sorted, we made the decision to wind down the business.

For the technical backups, I've learned it's about building redundancy and resiliency - which doesn't just apply to websites, but to any of your processes in general. (eg. if one of your key suppliers / customers / vendors / employees gets 'hit by the bus,' what do you do?)
I am on shared hosting and of late one of my sites is unable to handle traffic. I need to upgrade hosting. But sadly, I cannot afford to upgrade at the moment. I am trying to figure how can I handle this issue.
DDoS is another issue that you need to be prepared for. DDoS can happen to any website, even the small one. Once, my forum was under DDoS attack, it had just 60 users and did not even receive 100 daily visits yet someone took trouble attack my site.

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