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Renowned member
Mar 26, 2015
phpBB VS MyBB​

In my opinion, MyBB is better that phpBB. This is because the style + layout is nicer to look at it and the whole site actually looks better with MyBB. I also think regarding developer/coding/scripts/mods MyBB is easier when you come to do this.
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Personally I love the MyBB style more and it's easier to use because it is simpler than phpBB.
I have used both MyBB and phpBB and I much prefer the look and feel of MyBB also the ACP is easier to navigate.
MyBB is definitely better than phpBB in my opinion. MyBB is much more appealing and a whole lot easier to use too.
I prefer MyBB, as it's much cleaner and nicer, has better and easier to install plugins, and has (IMO) better support.
I guess I will always be in the minority, but phpBB has always been my go to forum software. I don't know why, but I have not been able to stand the layout/structure of any MyBB forum I have ever been on. There are lots of MyBB forums with stunning themes, and something never feels right when it comes to actually actively posting on the forum. I'm just a phpBB fanboy. :p
I also enjoy phpBB. A huge deciding factor for me, when it comes to comparing the two, is the fact that I feel more comfortable editing phpBB's templates than I do with MyBB. If I were given a choice between installing either forum software on a domain, I would instinctively go towards phpBB.

Sure, there are things that MyBB has, that I would consider for certain things on a forum if I needed it, compared to the recent update to phpBB 3.1, where there are few new plugins available for it. But overall, I feel more comfortable with phpBB.
To be honest, I feel much more comfortable with MyBB than any other forum software, probably because I've used MyBB for the longest but I have also tried the phpBB software in the past and it wasn't as elegant and "cool" as MyBB, in my opinion. MyBB seems more advanced whereas phpBB seems a year behind.
phpBB is outdated to me. I used it many years ago but I've found MyBB is by far the best free BB software.
I can certainly say that Mybb is better as of right now because of the way the layout looks. However, I have never personally tested phpBB, but I am in the process of doing that right now.
myBB all day long. Anyone that votes for phpBB needs to serious think again. phpBB is so damn difficult, not at all appealing and the struggle of trying to install a theme or plugin is just awful.
I certainly prefer MyBB over phpBB. MyBB is user friendly, easy and smoother in use. while, MyBB is very difficult for those who are unprofestional at these Themes, Plugin Installing etc. Like me :p
For me this is a pretty close battle. I think they are both great pieces of software. At the end of the day I would probably give the edge to MyBB.
I am currently trying-out both. I noticed a paradox. MyBB is said to be more modern than PhpBB, yet it does not seem to be responsive, at least not out of the box, while PhpBB seems responsive right out of the box. :astonished:
I personally like mybb better than phpbb just because of the layout and style ect.
I created the prototype of a forum I have in mind. I did this using the latest stable current versions of Vanilla, FluxBB, PhpBB, MyBB.

The easiest to get things ready was Vanilla, and I was surprised at how much it had to offer by way of customization. I then started over again with FluxBB, which I found really easy to get up and running also. I preferred the results with FluxBB to those of Vanilla. But I was curious to see what results I could get using PhpBB, and also to find out for myself what it had to offer by way of sophistication and control. I liked the resulting forum I was able to build with PhpBB, and I understood that the control over my forum would be excellent, yet I was still wondering if there might not be a better solution.

So, I then set up the same prototype, using MyBB. As I write this, I am leaning more towards MyBB than towards any of the previous ones I tried. But the line had to be drawn based on personal preferences with regards to such factors as the expansion potential I see for my forum, the ease with which I expect to remember how to do certain tasks that might not have to be done very often, and, first and foremost, the ease with which I feel that my anticipated users will be able to navigate through threads and posts and how easy they will find it to use.

Also, it does seem to me that PhpBB requires a little more work than MyBB for doing whatever has to be done. So, I guess that places me amongst those who prefer MyBB to PhpBB, globally speaking. :grin:

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I created the prototype of a forum I have in mind. I did this using the latest stable current versions of Vanilla, FluxBB, PhpBB, MyBB.

The easiest to get things ready was Vanilla, and I was surprised at how much it had to offer by way of customization. I then started over again with FluxBB, which I found really easy to get up and running also. I preferred the results with FluxBB to those of Vanilla. But I was curious to see what results I could get using PhpBB, and also to find out for myself what it had to offer by way of sophistication and control. I liked the resulting forum I was able to build with PhpBB, and I understood that the control over my forum would be excellent, yet I was still wondering if there might not be a better solution yet. :nomouth:

So, I then set up the same basic prototype I had in mind, using MyBB. As I write this, I am leaning more towards MyBB than towards any of the previous ones I tried. But the line had to be drawn based on personal preferences with regards to such factors as the expansion potential I see for my forum, the ease with which I expect to remember how to do certain tasks that might not have to be done very often, and, first and foremost, the ease with which I feel that my anticipated users will be able to navigate through threads and posts and how easy they will find it to use. :coldsweat:

You mentioned in a previous thread the loadtime of MyBB on one of your tests and I was astounded. I really didn't expect it to be that fast. I completely underestimated it, maybe because of wordpress limitations.

I think PhpBB is more widely used, but I could be wrong.
MyBB forum is really good software but now they launch a new version and most of old plugin does not support it so currently MyBB forum is not so good unless developers add lots of modules for different different features.

Old version of MyBB is very good but I don't know why they do not add some function which can support old plugins.

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