Passive income! Who doesn't want to make money without making an effort to do so?
There are many systems and companies that promise to make you thousands of dollars a month by doing almost nothing. As you may have guessed, most of them are scams..
But that does not mean that passive income does not exist.
Generally speaking, a lot of the programs that claim that they can do just that, might actually be able to do so, under the right circumstances and enough time given to make it work. But yes, many of the programs also suffer from too much hype, to make it sell, but does it mean that it won't work, in general I think a lot of the programs that are out there many say are scams, might not be scams, just hyped up too much that it can't live up to the expectations created by the hype.
Technology and the internet, can make it possible to make a lot of money passively, even overnight - but for the most part, it will be for those who're established and who knows what they're doing, those who're willing to invest in what will make work even better, like for instance paid traffic.
Also, alot of those who're promoting it, might also be a bit too creative in their attempts to "sell" the product or service being promoted. But moreso social media platforms are more likely to be able to perfor well when combined with the various softwares - but it all depends on the product.