Making decisions is one skill that every Business manager must master, not just any decision but intelligent decisions backed with so much facts and logic. These are some of the ways to make intelligent decisions for a business:
*Get all your facts right
All relevant information as regards the subject or issue you need to make a decision on must be gathered.
* Consult your inner feelings
Before making any decision in a matter, always endeavor to check your inner feeling about it, this is what some people call gut.
* Good timing
When making a decision we should learn how to separate sentiment from fact and also know when it is appropriate to make such decision.
* Follow through with your decision
Whenever a decision is made, always follow through with them
* Flexibility
Decision should not be made to be final but it should be made in a way that is dynamic, so that it can change as situations changes.
These are some of the ways to make informed decision as a manager in your business. You can add anyone if you know of any, let's discuss guys.