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Making a custom forum software.


Loyal member
Mar 4, 2015
Has anyone ever tried this? I know someone who at one point tried this, and he said he eventually gave up due to security issues. He had everything functional and relatively stable before he gave up, though. It took him a good two years to make it himself, which I guess is the downside to trying to do it yourself.

Have you ever tried this, or been apart of a group that tried this? If you have, how did it go?
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Has anyone ever tried this? I know someone who at one point tried this, and he said he eventually gave up due to security issues. He had everything functional and relatively stable before he gave up, though. It took him a good two years to make it himself, which I guess is the downside to trying to do it yourself.

Have you ever tried this, or been apart of a group that tried this? If you have, how did it go?
Nope. Take too long and too much work.
I did! But I built it on an older version of PHP without using MySQLi and it wasnt sanitizing its inputs so it was super insecure. Also my sql was super broken and it wasnt listing posts properly.. I gave up on it super quick.

I've been playing around with PDO lately, and I wanna try Forum Software again. I'll definitely be keeping the community up to date if I do.
I've made countless scripts myself, never a forum theme though. As for giving up because of security issues - Why? Just teach yourself the right ways. Learn from your mistakes. One of the biggest reules with web development is do not give up.
I did! But I built it on an older version of PHP without using MySQLi and it wasnt sanitizing its inputs so it was super insecure. Also my sql was super broken and it wasnt listing posts properly.. I gave up on it super quick.

I've been playing around with PDO lately, and I wanna try Forum Software again. I'll definitely be keeping the community up to date if I do.
How long did it take you to build the version that you made?
A couple of weeks of on/off development. It wasnt very impressive nor it did have a lot of features, but it functioned!
I did! But I built it on an older version of PHP without using MySQLi and it wasnt sanitizing its inputs so it was super insecure. Also my sql was super broken and it wasnt listing posts properly.. I gave up on it super quick.

I've been playing around with PDO lately, and I wanna try Forum Software again. I'll definitely be keeping the community up to date if I do.

PDO is great and will allow you to create more secure projects. You do need to tweak the settings slightly though.

For example PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES is enabled by default, which actually means it builds its own queries instead of using prepared statements with variable binding (which is the main drive for using PDO).


On the topic of forum software, it actually isn't that hard to make a basic script in a few days or a week depending on how much time you have. As long as you can understand and develop relational databases, you can actually make one in very little time. Things like security take time, but that's good. Take the time to research security as it only takes one data leak and no one will trust your project again.
I did this back when I was in college before I went to uni, I mean the software was very simple but it fully worked.
Has anyone ever tried this? I know someone who at one point tried this, and he said he eventually gave up due to security issues. He had everything functional and relatively stable before he gave up, though. It took him a good two years to make it himself, which I guess is the downside to trying to do it yourself.

Have you ever tried this, or been apart of a group that tried this? If you have, how did it go?

Interesting. What kind of security issues did he have?
I've done it twice. The first time I hardly new anything about web development and the whole thing turned out awful. The foundation was terrible and in the end, it turned out to be nothing but a big mess of code.

I dumped that first one and decided to try again. The good thing was that the first project taught me a lot. I still had a lot to learn but I was definitely in a much better position than before. So I spent ~10 hours every day for several months building the next one. It turned out ok but to be honest I never completely finished all of the features that I had in mind. In the end I decided to take it all as a giant learning experience and stick with XenForo.
I never tried this, to be honest. Seeing as there are so many good types of forum software available, I just don`t think it is worth the hassle. Even if some of that software requires you to invest a bit of money.
You would have to know a lot about web development and it could become very stressful making sure that the code works.

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