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Mac vs PC


Mythical member
Jan 31, 2012
What is a debate section without this little beauty?

I'll let you guys start it off, I'll add my opinion in later.

Are you a Mac or a PC fan? Why are you?
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haze said:
PsyHost said:
Mac hands down.

Glad to see another Mac man around! What is it about Mac's that do it for you Psy?

Simple answer, 650+ days uptime, not one ounce of lag/hesitation when being used Every day! (1.66ghz dual core mac mini with 4gb ram!)
Try that with a windows machine! ;D

Not to mention Terminal > anything - Some people won't understand why this matters, but if you know what I mean, You will appreciate it too!
Haha, very true! Although, why have you had a Mac on for like 2 years? Haha. I wonder what kind of secret service stuff you are doing with those Mac's...But very true though, I can barely leave my old Windows PC on without it going all lame after a day or so. Mac OS > All!

Well, I know what the terminal is but I never have any use for it, haha. So, I'm sorry but I don't udnerstand that one. :(
Well my work involved ALOT of networking/CLI activities, and terminal is just outstanding for this job.
And to start with that uptime wasn't intentional, I just never turn my machines off, then one day I just checked my uptime and it was at 200 ish days, So I just let it go haha, A few days before I left that job I checked it again and it was at 648 or something up there :D Just some pointless fun you can do when you don't have to worry about power outages (and you know you're firewall is protecting your machine!)
I don't know about staying up for 650+days. But Linux has better uptime guarantee compared to windows. I can't compare the uptime to mac coz I have never worked with mac for that long!
xpl0iter said:
I don't know about staying up for 650+days. But Linux has better uptime guarantee compared to windows. I can't compare the uptime to mac coz I have never worked with mac for that long!

I have a shoebox that has a better uptime than most windows machines. lol

Bed time, can you tell?! Night! :)
I have never used Mac in my entire life, so I can't comment on it.

I have mostly used PC, so I prefer PC over Mac.
Mac all the way. I can't wait to get mine. I can't afford it, but I'm getting one for college! They are so beautiful.
Macs leave you with a disability. :p Windows has been the best. And it will be the best for some time into the future.
Macs leave you with a disability. :p Windows has been the best. And it will be the best for some time into the future.
Windows is on a decline.

I guess Windows users like sluggish machines, and their credit card and stuff on their computer stolen.
Windows is on a decline.

I guess Windows users like sluggish machines, and their credit card and stuff on their computer stolen.
I wouldn't say that Windows is on the decline. As of now, it's almost the standard for computing. Perhaps, Android is giving it competition from the mobile end.

But Macs are just... fashionable. That's it. :p
Windows is on a decline.

Please tell me what planet you're on because I sure as hell don't want to go there.

Windows has around 75% of the world market right now for desktop machines. It isn't declining; it's staying put. For every Windows 8 machine that isn't well received, there's Windows 7 to replace it; heck, even Windows XP too. And not everyone hates Windows 8, I must point that out. Meanwhile, Mac has always had a very small sector of the market.

As @Rick Ace said, Android and iOS are definitely in the lead in regards to the mobile market, but there's only so much you can do with an ARM processor. It's not the same story in the desktop front.

I personally prefer the completely customizable approach of Windows and Linux machines. I love building my own machines, getting the most out of my money. After all, it doesn't grow on trees and some of us have to earn what we have. :wink:

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