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Is vBulletin now dead?


Loyal member
Mar 4, 2015
I remember when I was first getting into the webmaster world, 7-8 years ago, it was VB or nothing. If you wanted a serious software, that was really your only choice. That's not the case now. Things like XenForo and IPB have pushed VBulletin into irrelevance. Especially with Vb 5 flop. What are your thoughts? Is vBulletin dead?
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I agree that vBulletin is dead. I feel like they didn't use the opportunity to expand and create new features, fix the bugs, and update things like they should have. The reason XF and IPB are so popular is because, especially with XF, there are constant updates being made. They listen to the community suggestions are always pushing jaw-dropping updates.

I have been a member of staff at a vB forum a while back, I really liked it, but as of today it's out of the competition in my opinion.
I don't think that is true. vBulletin is still one of the most used software for forums. The problem I see with them is that they haven't upgraded themselves with good design and many other things like other did and that's what's causing them to lag behind.
I don't think that is true. vBulletin is still one of the most used software for forums. The problem I see with them is that they haven't upgraded themselves with good design and many other things like other did and that's what's causing them to lag behind.
vBulletin is still used a lot. However, they've been losing customers to companies like IPB and Xenforo and that won't change. Vb quit developing, and most people left.
vBulletin isn't dead, its used by tons of security forums and businesses, it just not used as much as it was.
vBulletin used to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but paid forum software has changed significantly over the past few years. XenForo came into the picture, and that certainly didn't help vBulletin's popularity. I know plenty of people who transferred their forums from vBulletin to XenForo. Also, there's IPB, which also dominates vBulletin, in my opinion.

Still, I would not say that vBulletin is dead. It's not what it once was, but there still seems to plenty of support for vBulletin. Even with the flop of vBulletin 5.
Vbisn't dead.
It just doesn't have much to offer when compared to other forum softwares, as of now.
It is still in the top but there might come a day, where that place, might belong to some other software :(
I dont believe VB is dead, but the design and security flaws of VB5 are really slowing down new customer rates, alot of people who used to be VB fanboys are switching to XF or IPB because they dont want to wait for VB to improve.
vBulletin's not dead, although, yes, it has declined ever since vB 4. XenForo and IPB are both better than it ATM, and a lot of people are moving over from vB to XF.
Forums still use vBulletin, so it's not dead but vBulletin is going downhill for sure. Forum softwares like Invision Board & XenForo have overcome vBulletin with the features they offer and at a cheaper, more affordable price. vBulletin won't die but it will definitely get worse and worse for them if they do not take serious action with their prices and features.
I think vBulletin is far from being dead. Its popularity has declined a lot in the past couple of year, but they seem to be constantly working on fixing the bugs on the vBulletin 5 Connect on their support forums. They've released a new version recently in which they fixed a bunch of issues that the clients had reported.
I don't believe vBulletin is dead but it has definitely gone downhill over the last few years. When I first started joining forums, vB was the only popular paid forum software, and now there is so much more competition. I don't think it will die completely for a long time though.
While vBulletin 5 is absolute garbage, vB3 and 4 both still have a huge support community. Many would even endorse vB3 over vB5, which in other situations would be insane, but I can agree with them. I won't lie, if vBulletin was dead, I would have to attribute some of the blame besides vB5 on some of the team members they have. There is one Administrative individual who really seems to drive his opinions and how he wants it rather than how it should be ran.
From all that I hear vBulletin may very well be dead. The chatter on the web is that no one is working on a future version. Most users now are jumping ship and going to other software such as XenForo and IPS.
I don't think vBulletin is dead, I just feel that many people preferred the likes of Xenforo and IPB to vBulletin and decided to jump ship. I still see many people using vBulletin and I feel it's a personal preference. vBulletin is still as active as ever, it just may be people who used to use it that you know don't anymore and it may feel like it is dying.

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