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How did you learn how to swim?


Reputable member
Sep 30, 2022
Swimming is one thing that I have failed at woefully. I don't do well in the water and it's one of reason why I don't like travelling by sea. The fear of getting drowned prevents me from learning how to swim. I will keep trying to I learn how to do so.
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Surprisingly I still haven't learnt how to swim, though I tried a few times but I wasn't consistent enough to Learn completely.

I am definitely going to learn latter on, maybe get a personal swim coach or something of that sort.
I learnt how to swim when I first when for a vacation in my home town, we went to stream with my friend and that was how I started learning how to swim there.
I learn how to swim from a freind of mine who took me to the occean and ask me to dive in for the first time when I do that I was like sinking but he dive in and recure me but after that he teach me how to swim from that day I become an expert swimmer
My dad taught me everything that I know about swimming. I look back and I am grateful for that act.
I can't even remember but I think that I kept going to the swimming pool and struggling with the water until I learnt how to swim. I did watched how others swim and try to copy them.
Swimming lessons in the local pool aged 7.
I didn't really. I took swimming lessons as a kid but all I can really do is some sort of doggie paddle; any other way of swimming isn't something I can do and I'm hopeless at staying afloat by treading water or that laying on your back thing that turns you into a piece of fleshy driftwood.
I could drown in a 6ft deep pool since I'm 5'7".
I've never actually fully 'learned' how to swim. Wasn't something I was interested in school, I eventually stopped going to PE altogether. Only time I really do swimming now is when I'm on holiday in the pool or at the beach, and I know enough to keep myself afloat I suppose. 😂

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