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Have you used Threads to market your website?

Jun 27, 2012
Threads is a social media site that was released almost a year ago now, July 5th 2023 but it has not become as popular as the likes of X (formally known as Twitter), Instagram and Facebook.

I created an account on Threads back when it opened but will admit that I only used it a handful of times and haven't bothered in such a long time.

It got me curious though if anyone has used it to market their website. If you have, have you had any success with that marketing? Would you advise others to use Threads for marketing?
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Threads is only a good platform for niches that are presently on the platform.

I don't see a lot of blogging niche folks on Threads, Most are on X. So, I focus on X.

However, cycling and hiking people love Threads. So, I focus on Threads for those two niches.

Go where your audience is going.

Just don't join and think that posting external links to your site, blog, or forum is how you succeed. It doesn't and have never worked that way.

The algorithms are designed to put more viewing weight on content that keeps people on the platform.

Don't use social media to promote your website. Use it to promote you or your brand. Brand awareness it how people will find your website. Throe the link in your bio and then focus your efforts on creating great content daily and at scale and then doing even more engagement with those in your niche.

Provide answers to needs and wants, be friendly, and always be willing to help. That's how you'll get noticed and build brand awareness.

It works every time!
Go where your audience is going.

This is the complete and direct summary of how anyone is supposed to work with any particular social media platform. If you're not going in the same direction as your audience, it's going to be like trying to force a round peg in a square hole. It's never going to work out.

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