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Has vB been completely passed over?


Loyal member
Mar 4, 2015
vB is pretty quickly going downhill in term of use. Everyone who wants looks and features in a software is going to IPB or xF instead of vB. vB still owns the market for companies and people who want tight security in their software; but they've lost a ton of people lately. Has vB been passed over completely by IPB and XenForo?
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I'm not sure why anyone would us VB, it's literally a paid version of MyBB. It even looks similar to the 1.6x version of MyBB. It doesn't have many modern features, and I have yet to actually come across a nice theme on VB; I've seen nicer on Zetaboards.

It's really a shame, VB was awesome but they never really updated a new version to compete to XF and IPB's new modern looks a features. I don't even join forums hosted on VB anymore, the software itself is confusing and annoying to even register on, let alone use. You can get better features, themes, and plugins for free forum softwares, and that itself should say something.
I'm not sure why anyone would us VB, it's literally a paid version of MyBB. It even looks similar to the 1.6x version of MyBB. It doesn't have many modern features, and I have yet to actually come across a nice theme on VB; I've seen nicer on Zetaboards.

It's really a shame, VB was awesome but they never really updated a new version to compete to XF and IPB's new modern looks a features. I don't even join forums hosted on VB anymore, the software itself is confusing and annoying to even register on, let alone use. You can get better features, themes, and plugins for free forum softwares, and that itself should say something.
I actually don't have that big of an issue with it. I'm a member of a few political forums, and they all use vB. As weird as it may sound, all the members love it. Back on PDF (if you remember it) we went from vB to xF and had to switch back because the members hated xF so much. It's weird, but the reality of some forum genres.
Yes, I believe they are being passed over. With all the recent problems that they have had, that isn't helping either. I think they are a sinking ship and people that are using them are migrating to other software.
Yes, I believe they are being passed over. With all the recent problems that they have had, that isn't helping either. I think they are a sinking ship and people that are using them are migrating to other software.

That's unfortunate. RIP vB. You served me well in the past but you just have too many problems now. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, yada yada...
XenForo and IPB have added so many innovative features while vB stays the same. I feel that most of the users are in need and want some changes every now and then. vB has stopped doing heavy changes in its design and in its functions. There are some security updates which do not really interest the simple people who participate in forums in order to have fun. :)

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