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Grammar mistakes

May 28, 2013
A common issue that many of us face: grammar mistakes. Whether you're writing a post, a comment, or a message, it's easy to make a mistake in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. These errors can detract from the overall quality of your writing and impact the readability and understanding of your message. More importantly, it's not nice when reading these mistakes from an Administrator. It looks bad on forum layouts, guidelines and official informative threads.

So, what can we do to reduce the number of grammar mistakes we make and improve the quality of our writing? Here are a few tips that have helped me:

  • Take your time to proofread your writing before submitting it: Often, I forget that, I admit.
  • Use spell and grammar checkers, but don't rely on them completely
  • Learn and practice the basics of grammar and punctuation rules
  • Read widely to expose yourself to good writing and expand your vocabulary
  • Seek feedback from others and ask for corrections if you're unsure about something
We can reduce the number of grammar mistakes we make and improve the quality of our writing. This, in turn, will help us communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships with others in the community.

Do you have any other tips to share? Let's work together to improve our writing skills and create a more engaging and readable community for all members. Do you go OCD when seeing mistakes or can't you be bothered to point them out?
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Grammarly is a life saver for me when it comes to avoiding or cutting down on grammatical errors and blunders.

But now, I don't even rely on using grammarly often because I have learnt never to be in a too much haste whenever I'm making any post. It gives me the time to see my own errors, have them corrected before posting.
Grammerly is the way to go as many of us replied above but that another thing. Making mistakes is totally fine. It's just that we have to learn from them and try not to commit the same mistake next time. That is how we grow. It won't be good to rely on grammar checks all the time because they will be doing all the work for you hence you won't really need to put effort for learning what's right. (you can obviously learn from the corrected version but you won't have the reason behind why it is correct and why not your version was). When in doubt, always google and find out how you should write it and why.

For example, if you are confused whether to write 'invited to' or 'invited for', you can google about it and find out which one you should use for the situation you are in.
I'm so bad with grammar and punctuation, most of you guys from FP should know that anyway about me hahaha ANd so I have been using Grammarly since it was available and it's been a life god to me. But seeing that most of us always use it hahaha

It tends to respell it automatically for me while typing and not only do I use it but I only use the free account. Not willing to spend $10 a month

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