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First Computer


Mythical member
Jan 27, 2012
What was the first computer you ever used? I think we had a Windows 95 which I stuffed a whole lot of paperclips in when I was really young (Does that count as "using"?). I properly started using a computer on Windows 2000- we'll checking family emails and not doing much.
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First PC I've used had Windows 95 running and I remember playing The Secret of Monkey Island on it day and night never completing it since my English skills were nowhere near my current level and I didn't understand half of the dialogues :p
Heres a pic of it i guess you werent around in them days not like me i must be old lol
My parents owned a Windows 98 computer in their office when I was like 4
My first computer was a Windows XP desktop though
The first one I used was running Windows 98, but I didn't really use it that often. I started using them more when XP came around.
The first computer that I bought on my own was a Packard Bell that I got at Office Max back in 1996. It was a complete piece of crap. Half of the bundled software that came with it didn't even work right when I first got it. They later came to be known as "Packard Hell" computers and stores finally stopped carrying their brand due to all of the complaints about their systems.
All I remember about my first PC was that it ran the ever so sexy W95 and was slow as hell compared to the one I have today. Of course, back then I only wanted to play that game where you killed Nazis. Wolfstien I think it was called? XD
I had 5 years so it was in 98, it had first windows 95 on it, one of the good windows :D and I remember playing fifa 98 constantly with my brother , than you could play with the keyboard and mouse :D
@iHaze yeah its Wolfenstine and it still out there :D

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