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Elyasia is looking for staff.


Nov 30, 2015
First off, Elyasia is a site for the fanfiction called Elyasia which is about a realm that is ruled by two sister princesses with their knights and Paladins.
The site has contests(coming soon), free graphics, a fan-area for fans, forums, Polls, Monthly youtube AMVs, Cbox, and a blog.

ok here's what I'm looking for.
0/1 co-writer/editor
0/2 artists
0/2 graphic makers

-must be over 17+
-Must have an email that I can email you to chat ((you may join the forums to chat as well))
-Artists must be able to draw anything from this list: (any style is welcome just no realistic ones.)
Dragons -with and without horns-
Animals -mostly birds, foxes and wolves. Other animal might appear.-
humans -with or without animal parts like ears, wings and tails-
Canon characters, or characters from the games and animes who appear.
Groups - 3 or more characters-
slight adult theme aka rape, death, kidnap, etc.
Slightly nude pics
and anything else that I may ask for.​
-Graphic Designers must be able to make any kind of graphic.
-Must show me your work. such as a few drawings or graphics.
-Must send me your work, once a month or so. We can plan it out more if you have work or school.
-Must have your own site (optional)
-Co-writer must know the anime/games or be willing to look up the characters that are used.

Co-writer/Editor: you'll be in charge of helping me with one-shots and story ideas as well as editing the chapters and one-shots of errors. You'll be allowed to write one-shots that go with the story or play with the pairings.

Graphic Designers: You will be in charge of making new graphics for this site, Such as Wallpapers, Icons, Banners, Buttons, and other simple things. You will also be allowed to help with the designs of Elyasia's Forum but only if you like.

Artists: I'm sorry but your job may be a bit harder than the other jobs. You will be in charge of drawing out scenes from the chapters(or something that would work with an area of the chapter), Profile pics, and well... a lot of random drawings that have to do with this story and the one-shots.

As for work:
Just email it to me. =3

For a bonus of working so hard and joining us, You got to add one or 2 characters to the story. They would be side characters but they too will play a part in the story. On top of that, I will write you a few one-shots, allow you to get first say in pairings and I may let you help with the one-shots. Oh you also get first say in the pairings of the story.

Payment: I can't pay anyone with money since I have no job nor can work... So I can only hire ppl for free.. I can though pay with graphics, artwork or stories that I did myself... but that's all. Sorry.

If you have any questions, just ask me.

To apply, Use this form and comment or PM:
What are you applying for?
What do you use:
How long have you been making graphics or drawing?: ((doesn't matter but tell me the truth.))
How long are you online:
How much can you do within a set time limit:
Show me a few works that you did:
Anything else you wish me to know:
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