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🚫 Closed/Paused E-Zone Community Feedback

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Active member
Feb 13, 2023
Board link: https://ezone.jcink.net/

The site is already launched, but after thinking better, I am in need of some feedback for my board. Don't be afraid to be direct and open with what you think that should be added, removed, changed or replaced - from forum categories to board settings & features to board skins & coding.
In my humble opinion.. There's a lot of scrolling to be done on your forum. I'd work on condensing the layout, making more use of subforums. That way it will be less obvious that the forum doesn't have much content yet too.

Guest ads can go as subforum to the member ads. Q&A and Board room is something I would combine as a general feedback & suggestions. I'd combine the complete discussion category into one forum. Maybe a separate Entertainment & Literature forum though. But definitely combine the first three forums. You can always add more forums as you grow and move topics to the correct forum when you're bigger.

Knowledge & Experience Discussions can also be easily combined as long as you're new and content and members is lacking.

Media center can easily be combined. Forum games to off topic.

You need to make sure the forum is inviting and not cluttered with loads of forums. This is the layout I advise.

Community Portal
Welcome Carpet
Feedback & Suggestions
Member Advertisements

-- Guests Advertisements (Or maybe just combine them)

Roleplay Games
RP Board Game Requests
The Playing Center

Off Topic
- Forum Games
Mental Health & Exercise
- Entertainment Zone & Literature (you need a better name for this, since members can easily mistake this for media)
Ecology, Science & Biology
- Astronomy
Media & Television

Way more condensed, but better navigable. And like I said, as you grow you can split forums to their own and move topics to the correct forum. As for the theme, it's something different, I don't hate it, but don't favor it much either. Another thing I'd change is all the gray image placeholders. It's gonna take a while for a new forum to fill all those empty spots and they just look bad, sorry. They're dull and taking space that's not necessary, adding loading time, etc.

If all that is done, work on content and advertising.

These are my two cents. No offense meant, so I hope you are not feeling offended. 😅
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There's nothing to be offended about. I asked for the freedback myself. Plain and simple.

However, I have a question. Would it be a good idea to extend the RP section a bit after making the board more navigable?
There's nothing to be offended about. I asked for the freedback myself. Plain and simple.

However, I have a question. Would it be a good idea to extend the RP section a bit after making the board more navigable?
Well, what is your main focus? If it’s RPing then yes, I would extend slightly. If it’s just a side thing, then I’d wait unless it’s only 1 forum or so.
What I had in mind is to have E-Zone come in form of three boards: 1 discussion board, 1 RP board and 1 writing-based board. However, your feedback made me seriouselly re-think that idea. Maybe I should switch the board's focus to both discussion and RP, scratch my RP-based board idea and eventually, when the board grows, launch a writing-based sister board and try to achieve the goal I have with E-Zone that way. Besides, it'd be probably easier for me to maintain and lead 2 boards instead of three down the line while basically doing the same thing, just on a smaller scale.

What do ypu think? Should I do it that way?
I have updated the forum layout. I deleted some sub-forums and I joined some of the categories and forums. I'm thinking about fusing a couple more or deleting them completely.

However, I'm still unsure about adding a more traditional RP section that's dedicated to roleplayers only since the one I have now is only for board games with RP elements.
Life and Healthy Environments (Forum title and forum description both have grammar mistake)
Debates and Off topic forums can share one category in my opinion. It's just that the skin makes huge categories and I advise to combine to condense and minimize scrolling. Or debates and Knowledge Scoreboard can also be fused.

Or just have three categories
- Community
- Discussion
- Roleplay

And combine everything from the Debates, knowledge and off topic in one category.

What also advise is that you keep as much as you can on one forum, and ditch the sister board, because it's better and easier to focus on one forum rather than 2 or 3. You'll never see the same success on the other.
What if I install different skins, perhaps ones that don't make the categories huge?

I'll combine the debates and the knowledge categories together, but I'll have to come up with a way to combine their forums too, so I can add a dedicated RP category so I can drop the sister boards plan.
What if I install different skins, perhaps ones that don't make the categories huge?

I'll combine the debates and the knowledge categories together, but I'll have to come up with a way to combine their forums too, so I can add a dedicated RP category so I can drop the sister boards plan.
What do you have in mind for the sister board ? I would try to get somewhere close to the layout I posted earlier. A different skin could work. I assume you have checked out jCodes resource index before?
I have actually 2 sister boards planned: 1 for roleplayers and 1 for writers.

For the roleplaying one, I have a plan of it being a RPG board with offering roleplaying games, roleplaying resources, roleplaying tutorials, roleplaying-based services and all kinds of board contests & RP events. Maybe even host online RPs as well at some point.

For the writings one, the idea is to have it literature-focused with an area for the writers to publish their original work or their work based on something they've read or seen. Like with the RP board idea, the plan is for the writers board to have areas for writing resources, writing tutorials, writing-based services and maybe even begin to host writing events/cons at some point. I'm also thinking of adding an area for programmers/coders as well.

But if I add a dedicated RP section to my existing board, all of that is basically cancelled. It's why I've asked you should I add the category or not?

I'm a long-time member of jCodes, so I'm more than familiar with it. :D
I have actually 2 sister boards planned: 1 for roleplayers and 1 for writers.

For the roleplaying one, I have a plan of it being a RPG board with offering roleplaying games, roleplaying resources, roleplaying tutorials, roleplaying-based services and all kinds of board contests & RP events. Maybe even host online RPs as well at some point.

For the writings one, the idea is to have it literature-focused with an area for the writers to publish their original work or their work based on something they've read or seen. Like with the RP board idea, the plan is for the writers board to have areas for writing resources, writing tutorials, writing-based services and maybe even begin to host writing events/cons at some point. I'm also thinking of adding an area for programmers/coders as well.

But if I add a dedicated RP section to my existing board, all of that is basically cancelled. It's why I've asked you should I add the category or not?

I'm a long-time member of jCodes, so I'm more than familiar with it. :D
Both sister boards do sound promising but at the same time a lot of work and will require much dedication and luck. I'm not familiar in the roleplaying world, so I can't give much advise there. Maybe @Arantor could ? I feel that EZone might be a bit too much since it has something that can be found on your sister boards. So I definitely wouldn't do three separate forums. But roleplaying and writing has so much alike that it can be easily combined.

This is not easy. :ROFLMAO:

But I would definitely start out as small as you can and expand as you go.
You're right about running 3 boards requiring much dedication and luck. Since you say RPing and writing are alike and can easily be combined into 1 board, I'm just going to do that.

I'll also take your feedback on starting small. I might compress the RP board games section into a single forum that also contains forum games since gaming isn't the main focus of my board at this time. Also, I'll definitely try to get the layout as close to your feedback as possible.

However, I'd still appreciate any info/advise or feedback on roleplaying.
What kind of advise would you need for the roleplaying? I kinda drifted off and forgot what feedback I need to provide. 😅
Basically what is needed to start a roleplay - from coming up with the plot and setting it up, setting up and introducing the characters, doing casting calls, getting a rp game started and participate in it. I'm a newbie when it comes to roleplaying as I've never done it in the past.
I hope they reply to this thread.

Anyway, I managed to norrow down the amount of categories to 4. That's the closest I can do to what you suggessted me while maintaining the direction and focus of EZC I'm aiming for. I'm in the process of replacing the current skins with the ones from jCodes. I just need to run some additional feedback on jCodes first in order to get some info on some stuff. Thank you for the amazing knowledge you shared with me with your feedback, I've learned alot from it.
I don't know much about setting up actual roleplay sites or forums outside of my one forum section from many years ago. I used ZB for mine, but the main focus was about the Harvest Moon series that just so happened to have an RP going on. We got the idea from HMOtaku which did the same thing way back then. Maybe somebody on RPG-D or so can help better? I've never run a fully fledged RP forum only. My forum had off topic sections and on topic sections about the game franchise/series.
So, roleplaying... it really really depends which side of the spectrum you want to get in on.

On the one side, there's what amounts to collaborative storytelling - doesn't need much setup, the easiest way is to grab any of the forum platforms that have a working subaccounts mod (just for convenience) and you're basically good to go from a technical standpoint. On the other, there's the whole situation of whether you're doing full blown table-top grade RPG, as in you have a games master/dungeon master who is the primary storyteller and the other players have to not only react to events and choose what they're going to do next but then get into dice rolling to see if they were successful. There aren't many platforms that are good at doing this because this needs dice rolling at a minimum but also frequently you want some kind of character sheet tracking to make it easy to get at the stats.

There are, of course, blends of everything in between as to what you're looking to do, and this also manifests in terms of likely community dynamic, attitude, player personalities etc.

Then we have the real question you pitched: how do you get started with the roleplaying? Well, you need things to happen in the form of plots, you need a place for them to happen in and you need a backdrop or a setting to give it all context.

There are several ways to go about this, each with their own pros and cons.

First up we have the 'fandom' style, this is more popular over in the collaborative storytelling side, where you have a fandom people like (or at least know) so the rules of the world and some typical locations are set up, as well as key events in that world's history are known, and then you pick a place or time in that space to do something. I, for example, had many hours writing in various eras of Harry Potter-based forums, whether that was post-books, or 1950s (when certain key characters are just revving up) or even the 1970s (when little is documented and it was possible to invent whole swathes of new story that could slot in). The obvious pro is that chunks of worldbuilding are done for you, the con is that people inevitably want to play as 'actual' characters from the story aka canon characters which can lead to drama over who gets the avatars and who gets to play, followed by accusations of staff bias etc. There are also lots of debates and arguments about 'being too true to the material' vs straying too far, especially for fandoms that have powered characters (e.g. pretty much anything Marvel or DC, Potter, anything that has regular and special characters because people inevitably want to be the special characters)

Then we have panfandoms. These tend to be much more 'free for all' where you can bring along whatever characters you have and they'll probably fit. Want to do The World's Finest double-tagging with Iron Man and Cap? Sure, why not? Much more loose in terms of rules, much more chaotic but can be a lot of fun if you're not too bothered about having going with the flow. Also gets around some of the aforementioned drama because you can have multiple instances of Captain America or whatever, each from a different slice of their universe. It can be as loose as you want - but you probably want some rules to keep it *sane* because superpower characters inevitably powercreep on each other over time.

Then there's the panfandom-adjacent segments, things that could have been a fandom but are more generic. For example, the supernatural themed sites with spooky events in the woods with vampires and werewolves that could have been any one of a dozen Young Adults fiction series. Magical Universities are another, as are the Completely Made Up Superheroes That Aren't Just Knock-Offs Of DC Or Marvel Honest. Basically imagine any sizeable fan-followed property then imagine a budget knockoff version from Wish.com, and what that might look like. Pro: it's not tied to a property, so you don't get any drama if you want to do Magical University but avoid all the JK Rowling debate, but the con that comes with it is that people have to do some actual *reading*.

Then there's the real life crowd. Imagine a place that's a stylised, idealised version of a place. The small town in mid-west America that has a distinctly atypical population distribution. Also connects with the 'slice of life' crowd, where the overall vibe is just a place to hang out, chill, low-key drama. The main setup for all of these is, of course, a place that's your own place to call home.

Then, there's the wholly original. I've seen everything from 'original historical' set in a pseudo-Victorian era to something approaching the Ancient Greeks, to future cyberpunk in a demon-infested San Francisco. The limit here is simply your imagination. Pick a scenario that sounds interesting, build out a bit of world to give it structure. The headache is that you will need to do a bit of building, but that it will often go somewhat ignored. As a rule, the more worldbuilding you do will be interesting, but the less people will inevitably read it. So you will inevitably be spending time explaining the lore, answering questions about the lore.

There is one last category: the faciltiation site - the kind of site that isn't 'the site is the game' but the site is merely a facilitator for many kinds of games. In that particular space, sites like https://www.rpnation.com/ are already pretty established. Takes less effort to be a generic RP home hub, easier to get going but the depth of storytelling is likely shallower - there will be a bigger focus on one-on-one conversations-as-storytelling. If going to enter in this arena, you'd need to identify what you can do differently to something like RP Nation to make it viable. It's not that you can't compete - but you need some draw to bring in other blood.

Getting going on the writing - I'm sure there's any number of resources on the actual mechanics of worldbuilding and storytelling. The trick is to be broad and open and not too prescriptive about things that don't matter too much, and that's true for all the different setups.

As far as finding people, that sort of depends on what style of site you set up and who your target demographic is, but chances are this is going to involve site-to-site advertising, affiliate linking, listing on one or more of the directory sites, one or more of the directory Discords, maybe on Reddit, maybe on Tumblr. If you want to talk a bit more about the kind of material you're looking at, I can suggest places you can probably advertise it at.

What I do know is that building an RP site on the side of an existing site is that it's a distraction of focus that doesn't help - the facilitation site/hub model works but even then it's its own site dedicated to RP, while all of the others are single-site-for-site-stories. That is the only way I've seen RP work at all out of literally thousands of RP sites I've now looked into. Even the facilitatation hub is a tiny fraction compared to the rest.

Hopefully that makes sense, but feel free to throw any questions out there - we can always put them out for wider discussion if they're of a general nature and interest to other people who might be interested in the RP scene.
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