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Do you overthink?

Jul 27, 2023
Are you someone who overthinks a lot? How do you feel it impacts you? Are you looking for ways to get rid of it or not yet?

Personally, I'm someone who doesn't overthink at all. I'm always open to whatever outcome the future has, positive or negative, I'm gonna accept it and act accordingly. I just keep doing what needs to be done and see if it works out. I don't keep thinking about the same thing all the time. There's a childlike belief I have on things. Like when a kid prepares for an exam and after writing it, he believes that he will pass with flying colors. The same kind of belief I hold within me. 😊
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Often times. I have days where I don't think anything because I don't care but I have moments I over think almost everything. Mostly when things are out of my comfort zone and my comfort zone is small. 🤣
All the time, it's practically a reflex action.

The hard part is that it is deeply impactful because it leads to a lot of analysis-paralysis, and getting stuck firmly in the overthinking rather than the doing. If I could tone down the overthinking I'd have taken over the world by now.
I know that feeling. Usually, I go to sleep rather quickly, but sometimes my mind won't shut itself up and I continue to think about life and the many aspects it pertains.
yup... sometimes I cant sleep for days, the more tired I get the less sleep I get
I definitely over think everything. I think of all the possibilities and then think about what could occur, what could cause those things to happen. How could I fix those things or if it is survivable.
I do too, especially when it comes to friend fallouts i get the “woulda, coulda, shoulda” rumination which i recognise is unhealthy.

All the time, it's practically a reflex action.

The hard part is that it is deeply impactful because it leads to a lot of analysis-paralysis, and getting stuck firmly in the overthinking rather than the doing. If I could tone down the overthinking I'd have taken over the world by now.
Ofc, you retro reminiscer :p

I over-analyse everything which very much helps me in my programming job. But this leads to me excessively clarifying what others are trying to say to me as all the possibilities run through my head 🤣 I was once accused of trolling for this bery reason 😿

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