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Do you allow your moderators to ban members?

Sep 30, 2022
Personally, I feel that it's too much power to allow moderators to ban members in a forum. They can be allowed to suspend a member or put their posts on moderation but never to ban a member. It should be an exclusive right of the forum owner or head administrator to ban members.

What do you think?
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Never have, never will give it to moderators. Banning is the last resort of measures, and I do that when necessary. I hope it generally isn't.
I do agree that it should be the administration's job to deal with banning and moderators can suspend users if they are being disruptive to the community. Upon suspension, the administration can decide what course of action to take to determine if a user is ban-worthy or not. The last thing you want to do is severely tick off a member of your community for a wrongful ban.
I do agree that it should be the administration's job to deal with banning and moderators can suspend users if they are being disruptive to the community. Upon suspension, the administration can decide what course of action to take to determine if a user is ban-worthy or not. The last thing you want to do is severely tick off a member of your community for a wrongful ban.
I have had to deal with a particular mod threatening to ban me on one forum like I took his girlfriend 😂 (the same forum I talked about in the other thread)

He would threaten me all he wants but never did it because I was sure the owner never gave him that right.
Partly. I allow any moderator to ban a user under 25 posts with the Purge Spammer tool since it's always new registrations that do something to warrant being banned. I've very rarely had instances of members who didn't join to cause trouble doing it down the line to the point of requiring a ban, and those bans usually happen after a string of warnings and problems that have been discussed amongst my staff for a decent amount of time before it reaches a point where banning is the only choice.
I allow moderators to suspend members and report it in a specific forum that only staff has access to but I never allow them to ban someone outright ever, I leave that up to the admins of the forum to look at what the member did wrong and why they were suspended. That way if it was a little too far, it can be dealt with. Banning will always be done by admins only.
I allow moderators to suspend members and report it in a specific forum that only staff has access to but I never allow them to ban someone outright ever, I leave that up to the admins of the forum to look at what the member did wrong and why they were suspended. That way if it was a little too far, it can be dealt with. Banning will always be done by admins only.
There's a forum where I'm the Moderator Team Lead, I was actually given the power to ban but I never did. The initial forum owner started the forum with my assistance and inputs. At one point, he hired another mod and gave him the same power, the guy banned members like they were fighting 😂. It was when we were reviewing his mod duties we had to find out and demoted him because he didn't even follow the forum's mod policy in banning.
I always saw it that if you hire someone to be a moderator is because you trust their judgement to use any power they have responsibly so it's better to give them all the tools they can be given and let them use the judgement you trust they have to use the proper moderation tool for the situation at hand because if you don't trust their judgement to use power responsibly then why did you bother hiring them in the first place?
I always saw it that if you hire someone to be a moderator is because you trust their judgement to use any power they have responsibly so it's better to give them all the tools they can be given and let them use the judgement you trust they have to use the proper moderation tool for the situation at hand because if you don't trust their judgement to use power responsibly then why did you bother hiring them in the first place?
Quoted for the truth! I agree absolutely with your statement. If they’re on a trial I could see that no ban permissions are given, but once they’re hired officially I’d definitely give them the power and liberty to make up their own judgement.
Yes, unless they can ban spammers, what good are moderators? You don't give people power unless you trust them.

Also, there is a soft ban and soft delete option in most software. Admins can fix the damage, if any.
True. People should be careful when they handover the ban hammer.

It is nice that admins can fix almost any damage that moderators do.

I have seen mods or even senior admins go rouge without much reason.
Yes, unless they can ban spammers, what good are moderators? You don't give people power unless you trust them.

Also, there is a soft ban and soft delete option in most software. Admins can fix the damage, if any.
I always have soft delete on for mods and hard delete for admins only. I also turn off IP viewing for mods just out of precaution.

This is why I generally don't do staff applications of the likes.
I typically am a fan of mod applications, but can get why some forums don't do that.

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