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Cookies a deal breaker?? 🤦‍♂️


Recognized member
Jun 3, 2023
I just had someone say they weren't going to register because there are some mandatory cookies. Is that a thing??? They're on Facebook for crying out loud. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
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Who even cares for cookies I must ask? I can’t speak for everyone else, but if you don’t bother to use a website because of cookies.. then I’m a bit lost for words here.
Apparently they care. 🤦‍♂️

"Would have joined but gives no option to reject cookies on entry so it's a no from me"
You simply tell them in many aspects, cookies are a requirement for base operation of the site.
Then you can always try to explain to them the difference between advertising tracking cookies and cookies that are used for normal site features... but I got a feeling that conversation would be WAY over their head, as they've simply heard "cookies are bad". And actually... that's probably a user you would rather not have.
It’s probably not worth the hassle of explaining it, that’s the first (and hopefully last) person who has an issue with it. The fear mongering about everyone out to steal your data has made a lot of people paranoid mind.
Cookies can be cleared anyways. We also need cookies to login to any website.

It’s device fingerprinting and those databases leveraged upon with the APIs to enrich the data that we should be worried about 🤣
I never actually seen someone get upset at the fact that your website uses cookies. Almost every single website uses cookies, and I bet those people don't think twice when they visit a news site and the pop up comes up. They probably just blindly accept all cookies and be on their way.
Yes and they are on FACEBOOK 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
The shocking part that they do not offer choc-chip cookies :p

Currently, GDPR states that the consent being optional, the same service that's given when accepting tracking must be given to users who decline: Either you don't allow your site be accessed from Europe, or allow it no matter the cookies. But I do not care I enter anyway
The shocking part that they do not offer choc-chip cookies :p

Currently, GDPR states that the consent being optional, the same service that's given when accepting tracking must be given to users who decline: Eithery ou don't allow your site be accessed from Europe, or allow it no matter the cookies. But I do not care I enter anyway
Yeah I just turned on the beta cookie setting and let them know and then they later replied back "great site".... So.... Whatever that means?


But also after this whole incident I realized there is no way to reject ALL cookies on xenforo.

I thought there was before.
Currently, GDPR states that the consent being optional, the same service that's given when accepting tracking must be given to users who decline
Wasn't there a "tech" reason exclusion involved there... as stated, almost EVERY site known if you register requires cookies for functioning..... disable them, and you can't "play in the sand box". There are other cookies that get used that are not core requirement for operation, and I can see those being optional.
Luckily... being in the US.... the EU and their GDPR can pound sand. I don't "market" to EU users... if they find the site and want to use it... it's by MY rules, just like any guest.
From my understanding (which is not deep because as I said, I don't care about GDPR).....
In general, the use of first-party cookies requires consent if they are not considered strictly necessary for the functioning of the website. As per the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, cookies that aren't strictly necessary require consent.

I thought there was before.
Nope... cookies (XF specific) are a core requirement of logged in user operation currently.

If you don't want to use the "BETA" cookie consent XF option.. simply put a notice in your base cookie notice that if the user can't consent to the cookies, they need to go elsewhere. Not hard to understand, and the user has NO "right" to use your site... they want to play in your sand box, they simply accept the requirements of doing so.
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Assuming this person wants to decline cookies from every website they visit, the lack of a decline option doesn't really matter because browsers offer a choice of blocking all cookies and they may as well just use that.

I also doubt this person ever cared about cookies before the cookie prompt on websites became a thing because if they did, they'd already know about the in-browser option to block them from before websites gave the choice of declining cookies or not.
As with most things today, people know very little about what they are usually talking about and are full of misinformation. For example, I would bet this person would start complaining when they have to login with every page view
I'm amazed they refused to join because of cookies.... Especially if they are on Facebook lol.
You'd be surprised what some of these paranoid users think... Doing computer repair for so long.. I have seen some crazies lol. Had one client come in every two to three days to reset their Mac because they got hacked again.. We would look top to bottom and not find anything close to malicious, but they would swear someone is on it and listening in. So we would reset it and call them to pick it up.. They'd leave very happy and then come back 2 days later for the same routine...
Assuming this person wants to decline cookies from every website they visit, the lack of a decline option doesn't really matter because browsers offer a choice of blocking all cookies and they may as well just use that.
And be unable to log into any website and wonder why ;)

Websites are privately owned and access to such is a privilege and not a right. So a website is entitled to block a visitor who denies cookies :p !

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