It will be very difficult for anyone to be able to continue when they are not selling in any business that is startup as it can be so frustrating. Take yourself for instance, you put in the last amount of money that you have to start a business and at the end of the day you are not selling you are making a loss but you get frustrated and at the time that the business we continue making loss, at a point, you will be tempted to close up the business.Yeah right, every business have a great potential if you can manage it well.
Everyone is opening up their own saloons and grocery store whenever they get some cash but only few of them can sustain it because they lack something which I have been trying to let you know "endurance", they can't endure when they are not selling, that is why you have to plan and start a concrete business. Let me ask you a question, what will you do if you don't have any sale for a month, how will you handle it.