When you first started your business there is a period by which your sales are very low, and you are constantly trying to sell your product and promote your product, and you are constantly rejected by customers as well. This si natural part of developing a business and I think that every nbusiness that has been created has gone through this stage. It is either that people are not showign interest in yoru product, or sometimes the product can even sound too good to be true and therefore peopele become very skeptical of it and its use and therefore reject it out front.
Sometimes it is natural to reject those ideas which we do not understand and as humans we are creatures of habit and therefore we tend to go back to the same businesses over and over, and therefore it can be hard to change to another business, hence the constant rejection of the new business.
If you have ever opened up a business, how do you deal with custimer rejection in the beginning? What tactics do you use to maintain your composure despite rejections by the customer? And is persistence the key in winning over a customer or is this going to alienate your customer base even more?