Has anyone tried using Backdrop CMS before? Perhaps you've never heard of it? I actually just found out about it last night, and I started messing around with it a little bit. So far the ACP reminds me of Wordpress. I haven't done much with my test site though, I just made a few edits to the default pages that were installed. It feels more responsive than Wordpress, and even Joomla. It's a fork of Drupal, which I never actually used before. I might see if there's a importer for Joomla and move my Sonic blog to it, if I continue to enjoy it. Here's their website if you wish to give it a try:
Backdrop CMS | Free Open Source CMS built in PHP
Backdrop CMS is a free, simple, lightweight, and easy-to-use Open Source Content Management System, forked from Drupal 7, for building professional websites.