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Would it have been Easy without the Technology as We Know of It?


Active member
Jul 7, 2014
Okay, I was on this thread - How Far Will Technology Take Us (http://www.webgurubb.com/threads/how-far-will-technology-take-us.4609/) - and I started to thing about the developments and also the damages that we have done around with this technology.

I dont disagree with the Technology part and its growth has certainly done many miracles and wonders. Still, somewhere, I do feel, that with so much technology around, we have only made things complicated for us - the lifestyle, the need to stay update, the laziness, the illnesses, the environment disasters and what not.

I see the point - some of the technology was abused and that resulted in many disasters. But then, what are your opinions on - "If there was not much of this technology, there would not have been much abuse" ?

Also, what are your opinions on the technology and its advancements wrt the World, Damage done to Environment, Health, Lifestyle etc? And if you wish to add more, would we be leading better lives (at least, in terms of health etc) without much of this advancement in technology?
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This is a difficult question to answer; a "what might have been?" type question to ponder. This topic reminds me of Al Gore and An Inconvenient Truth.

Old Habits + Old Technology = Predictable Consequences.
Old Habits + New Technology = Dramatically Altered Consequences.

Our habits/ behaviours need to change to match the new technology we have created. Rather than taking the easy route, we need to create a new behaviour which savours the journey to get to the end product. This will lead to a better quality of life.

Bit "wishy washy" but I hope that is a reasonably clear answer.
Without the new technology, I'd probably be paralyzed right now and wouldn't be independent whatsoever. So to me personally, advancements in technology are a great deal, especially when it comes to technology used in medicine.
Without the new technology, I'd probably be paralyzed right now and wouldn't be independent whatsoever. So to me personally, advancements in technology are a great deal, especially when it comes to technology used in medicine.

Personally, I think I am blessed to be in an era when there is so much of tech around else, I would never have been earning a cent since 2008. I am ill, stay at home and we all know without technology around, how difficult it would have been to contribute towards the expenses of the family these days without a job or earning.

Just a thought - on the mention of medicine, I recall one of the Mission Impossible movies wherein they had developed a virus just to make money by selling the anti-virus thing. The advancements are good today no doubt. But then, I believe many of the ailments of today were almost non existent in the past - we did not have AIDS, Cancer, Blood Pressure and so many more.
Technology has it's pros and cons. It helps people with medical issues and then it gives people problems... like hacking, metldowns, etc. Still if it wasn't for technology we wouldn't be where we are today.. And I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't either.. Without technology our lives would a lot more complicated.
I firmly embrace all the advancements that we are making technologically. Even though technologies are probably making us somewhat lazy, I still appreciate and admire all the technologies we have currently.
I think I heard somewhere that all of these new advances also came with many new diseases and problem conditions. Does anyone know more about this? For example, I heard that our bodies are weaker because we are less resistant due to too much cleanliness, etc.
I think technology has more pros then cons! It created such a vast economy, for example, some of us are earning a living online as webmasters, or even working from home!

And not to mention the other advances such as medical.

And without the technology, who knows where we would be?

BUT, it has also made us lazy!
True that many are making a living on the internet, The makers of Facebook and Google are billionaires cause of Internet.

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