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Why don't you have a blog?

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Can't say I've ever thought about adding a blog to my forum, but if I did, it would obviously be about coding since I own a coding resource board. I've never been much of a blog person, I guess I just don't like writing long texts and prefer short texts on message boards. I probably wouldn't be able to offer anything unique in a coding blog that's not already out there anyway.
I think that having a forum + blog is competing for basically the same content against yourself having double work. I believe in today's world many forums add a blog to get indexed on search engines. The nature of a forum is to interact with each other, mostly having a sort question and getting different answers/points of views. Opposed to what a blog is.
I think that having a forum + blog is competing for basically the same content against yourself having double work. I believe in today's world many forums add a blog to get indexed on search engines. The nature of a forum is to interact with each other, mostly having a sort question and getting different answers/points of views. Opposed to what a blog is.
I agree. We used to have a website containing blog posts but it was a lot of work to put them both on the forum and blog. Even though we were running an add on with a bridge between Wordpress and XF. It’s just too much and we decided to discontinue it for the time being. Maybe later on though. @Bob AMS is just great and fully packed, so I doubt having a separate blog would gain more exposure.
I have a blog that I write in on the side right now. I am somewhat suffering from Writer's Block, at least, for longer pieces of content. Usually I enjoy writing more than recording & editing video, but lately, I seem to have Writers & Editors Block haha.

My blog is based on dinosaur-related media primarily, but once in a while I will post other things like a movie or game review, a product mini-review, and similar. To be honest, I could separate them into separate blogs and categorize them in similar categories thanks to @Bob's blogs addon. It does everything I need, so I do not really see a need for me to get AMS, unless there is a lot more hidden features in AMS than UBS that I have not noticed via his official site or demo site.

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