What do you play? How long have you played? How did you get started? How good are you? Do you plan to play other things?
Myself, I love drums and guitar, especially drums which I feel I'm better at, but I'm not so bad on guitar. Anyway, with piano, which I'm working on now, I'm still at a basic level. I sort of left it after childhood lessons, for the most part.
O.K., I did play violin once sort of decent but pretty much have forgot it. Bass guitar is another thing I can play but like piano, need more work.
Myself, I love drums and guitar, especially drums which I feel I'm better at, but I'm not so bad on guitar. Anyway, with piano, which I'm working on now, I'm still at a basic level. I sort of left it after childhood lessons, for the most part.
O.K., I did play violin once sort of decent but pretty much have forgot it. Bass guitar is another thing I can play but like piano, need more work.