Money Is the best choice when compared to honey, I am aware that honey is an expensive commodity but the thing is the honey maybe hard to easily convert to cash unlike money in which you can use to get any other commodity asides honey.
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I'm still trying to understand the relationship between choosing money and honey. What will honey do for me? By honey do you mean a lover or honey bee fluid? Whichever the case may be, there is no way I would chose either of them before money because money is way better.What do you think is the most important thing to choose for you? MONEY or HONEY? Can you give your short explanation about the word you choose? This is not a big deal but it is much more realizing. Some of you for sure can relate to this. Drop down your opinion.
The choice between money and honey is a great one but the one I think is better and will choose is money because with money we can buy everything in life in which we can buy a house we can buy a car And we can invest in what we have to start a business, so I don't think it's a good decision in life to make money.What do you think is the most important thing to choose for you? MONEY or HONEY? Can you give your short explanation about the word you choose? This is not a big deal but it is much more realizing. Some of you for sure can relate to this. Drop down your opinion.
Just bear it in mind that no money no honey. I will always go for money before taken the honey. If you have no money to take care of your honey, she may likely look else where for caring. Money is like an engine to most working relationship which keep it running. Honey might turn against you stings you when you have nothing to feed it and you keep collecting the honey.What do you think is the most important thing to choose for you? MONEY or HONEY? Can you give your short explanation about the word you choose? This is not a big deal but it is much more realizing. Some of you for sure can relate to this. Drop down your opinion.
Seriously, you have a very good point. Money has a veto power almost all over everyone and everything except death. If it's possible for money to override death, it would have done so a long time ago. But as for love, honey, good life and so on, money gets you all of that.If you have money then honey will come definitely . but not vice versa. So I will go for chosing money so that i get honey. You know money enables you to take or get almost anything you want. When yiu chose honey and there will no money then it will useless at all. So have money get honey.
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