If the company is booming, you should avoid making unnecessary or family expenses with the company's money. When many relatives see that they are doing well they begin to ask for credit that they never pay or, failing that, they ask for money. It is not bad to help them, but you must have limits and know how much and to whom. Otherwise you may have losses instead of winning.
yes i quite agree with you,becoming a philatrophic at the liitle money you have gathered from your business will not do your business any good.Because the most strain to come from any business is to use the fund for reinvestment and start giving it out.
If the company is booming, you should avoid making unnecessary or family expenses with the company's money. When many relatives see that they are doing well they begin to ask for credit that they never pay or, failing that, they ask for money. It is not bad to help them, but you must have limits and know how much and to whom. Otherwise you may have losses instead of winning.
yes i quite agree with you,becoming a philatrophic at the liitle money you have gathered from your business will not do your business any good.Because the most strain to come from any business is to use the fund for reinvestment and start giving it out.
If the company is booming, you should avoid making unnecessary or family expenses with the company's money. When many relatives see that they are doing well they begin to ask for credit that they never pay or, failing that, they ask for money. It is not bad to help them, but you must have limits and know how much and to whom. Otherwise you may have losses instead of winning.
yes i quite agree with you,becoming a philatrophic at the liitle money you have gathered from your business will not do your business any good.Because the most strain to come from any business is to use the fund for reinvestment and start giving it out.
If the company is booming, you should avoid making unnecessary or family expenses with the company's money. When many relatives see that they are doing well they begin to ask for credit that they never pay or, failing that, they ask for money. It is not bad to help them, but you must have limits and know how much and to whom. Otherwise you may have losses instead of winning.
yes i quite agree with you,becoming a philatrophic at the liitle money you have gathered from your business will not do your business any good.Because the most strain to come from any business is to use the fund for reinvestment and start giving it out.
If the company is booming, you should avoid making unnecessary or family expenses with the company's money. When many relatives see that they are doing well they begin to ask for credit that they never pay or, failing that, they ask for money. It is not bad to help them, but you must have limits and know how much and to whom. Otherwise you may have losses instead of winning.
yes i quite agree with you,becoming a philatrophic at the liitle money you have gathered from your business will not do your business any good.Because the most strain to come from any business is to use the fund for reinvestment and start giving it out.
If the company is booming, you should avoid making unnecessary or family expenses with the company's money. When many relatives see that they are doing well they begin to ask for credit that they never pay or, failing that, they ask for money. It is not bad to help them, but you must have limits and know how much and to whom. Otherwise you may have losses instead of winning.
yes i quite agree with you,becoming a philatrophic at the liitle money you have gathered from your business will not do your business any good.Because the most strain to come from any business is to use the fund for reinvestment and start giving it out.
If the company is booming, you should avoid making unnecessary or family expenses with the company's money. When many relatives see that they are doing well they begin to ask for credit that they never pay or, failing that, they ask for money. It is not bad to help them, but you must have limits and know how much and to whom. Otherwise you may have losses instead of winning.
yes i quite agree with you,becoming a philatrophic at the liitle money you have gathered from your business will not do your business any good.Because the most strain to come from any business is to use the fund for reinvestment and start giving it out.
If the company is booming, you should avoid making unnecessary or family expenses with the company's money. When many relatives see that they are doing well they begin to ask for credit that they never pay or, failing that, they ask for money. It is not bad to help them, but you must have limits and know how much and to whom. Otherwise you may have losses instead of winning.
yes i quite agree with you,becoming a philatrophic at the liitle money you have gathered from your business will not do your business any good.Because the most strain to come from any business is to use the fund for reinvestment and start giving it out.
If the company is booming, you should avoid making unnecessary or family expenses with the company's money. When many relatives see that they are doing well they begin to ask for credit that they never pay or, failing that, they ask for money. It is not bad to help them, but you must have limits and know how much and to whom. Otherwise you may have losses instead of winning.
yes i quite agree with you,becoming a philatrophic at the liitle money you have gathered from your business will not do your business any good.Because the most strain to come from any business is to use the fund for reinvestment and start giving it out.