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I think it's better to continue because you can't find a job By the license diploma but if you have an interesting project to do next year then it's oke.Im a student in the university second year and to be more specific im studying Economic and only one
year left to finish im not thinking to complete the master
im not interested for working with the gouverment i prefer working online in marketing and trading with a small work in real life like opening a restaurantI think it's better to continue because you can't find a job By the license diploma but if you have an interesting project to do next year then it's oke.
If not if you ask me continue better than you stay in your home with out job and stop following the micro jobs sites hahaha.
Mine is university level. I do not know whether you called it high school or college over there but here, we know the clear differences between high school and university and primary school as well so my educational level is university level.What is your education level ? Highschool , college ?
My education level is college graduate. I have finished my education from different places. I finished my elementary education in a province. Then I finished my high school and college in the same city but different name of school.What is your education level ? Highschool , college ?
Right now am done with my degree program just serving my father land, and is a thing of joy, meeting new people learning there culture and traditionWhat is your education level ? Highschool , college ?
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