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What does your family think of you running forums?

Moms are difficult beings when it come to collecting something from them. They will want to do everything to make you know that getting a dime from them is never easy.
Yes, they are more savers than spenders. It's no surprise why my father left everything that's with managing our family's account in her care.

She's been very good at it for years now.
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My family really aren't into posting on forums unfortunately. They don't really say much about me running forums and they rarely join my communities since they are comfortable using social media. They probably just look at it as another one of my hobbies, and are happy that I'm happy with my websites.
Now that I come to think of it, there was probably one time that my father was concerned about my usage of forums because I was literally addicted to them. I would lose sleep, not get out of the house very often, and lose track of family and friends because forums to me were like a drug at the time. I think when I was younger I was seeking validation through the means of helping others and just generally wanting to be liked, fast forward to nowadays I still assist people with coding and technical support because I've grown attached to helping people with the knowledge I have. It basically turned into a hobby from a form of acceptance.
When I lived with my dad, he used forums for his video games, so it was kind of 2nd nature to him. I would explain about starting new ones and etc and he would listen, he wasn't that interested but it was what it was. My grandma probably was worried about my interactions with people online. She was impressed with my knowledge of technology at a young age. My husband apparently has been on forums before, he is interested to hear about forum things occasionally.

When I talk to coworkers or friends they have no real clue sometimes. xD

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