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What do you think about having employees section in your forum?

Sep 30, 2022
How you set up your forum is what makes it unique in its own way. Do you think that it's necessary to have an employee or staff section set up on your forum or do you think that it's too much noise on the forum?

I have seen a forum with a staff section where it's only the forum staffs that have access to that section to discussion on matters concerning the running of the forum. Personally, I think that it's a nice idea.
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Having a staff section has it advantages and it could help keep the decision making of the forum away from members and help to also regulate the excesses of staffs.
Having a staff section has it advantages and it could help keep the decision making of the forum away from members and help to also regulate the excesses of staffs.
Yes, that's very correct. I think that it all boils down to the forum owner. If he's the kind of person who asked for his staff opinions before making decisions, he's most likely going to set up a staff section on his forum.
Whenever I have a forum I always ensure there is a staff section on the forum that only staff members can see and have access to. I feel this really helps in terms of keeping all staff in the loop on anything that is going on with the forum from updates to problematic members and even suggestions that may have been made to discuss those. It keeps everything in one place and makes it easier for all staff members to stay on the same page.
I’ve had several employment forums on my boards down the line, but I no longer see a use for it on my resource board since we’re not really apart of the forum services area, but primarily resources, support, and requests. I have my doubts about employment centers though, seeing as it’s just completely random people that have yet to partake in your board. I think it’s best to find suitable staff on your own forum with multiple factors involved in deciding.
Whenever I have a forum I always ensure there is a staff section on the forum that only staff members can see and have access to. I feel this really helps in terms of keeping all staff in the loop on anything that is going on with the forum from updates to problematic members and even suggestions that may have been made to discuss those. It keeps everything in one place and makes it easier for all staff members to stay on the same page.
As long as the forum owner runs the community with staff members, it's necessary to have a staff section or even a staff communication platform outside the forum in order to keep everyone in the loop at all times.
having a staff forum is a good help. I use to use mine as a way to discuss forum upgrades such as add-ons and skin upgrades that members have suggested. it's also helpful if you have a reporting systems and can set the reports to be posted in a staff only forum. This way its not overlooked like it could be in the mod or admin CP

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