Captain Junkie
I guess this are the things I should have known before starting up my own website now I have a website I don't know how to get more traffic into it,but with this I learnt from here,there is gonna be a change on my website.
Generally speaking, social media is a platform for digital marketing. Digital Marketing is very different from SEO. While SEO is a technique to make your website visible on search engine so that you get organic traffic, digital marketing on social sites like facebook, twitter, etc. is a method to drive referral traffic to your site for traffic. However, if you are new to this SEO think, you might not know sharing on social media can also help in search engine ranking, thus social media sharing can also be considered one of the SEO methods for improving website rank.
What is social signal?
When you share something on facebook what do you get to your post, yes you get likes, comment, share. When you share on twitter, what do you get, retweet, favorite, comment. Social Signals are likes, favorite, or other reactions, comments and shares your content gets on various social media platforms. Let say, you shared on facebook, your content got 10 likes, 6 comments, and 3 share. The content you shared got 19 social signals.
How does social signal helps in SEO?
When the content you share on social media gets social signals, the search engines interpret this as your content is getting engagement and is popular with your audience. These social signals influence search engines to think that content is good. One of the factors of ranking is quality content. When your content gets a lot of social signals, search engines like your content, thus, they push up the content for a better rank.