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The Shows you never wanted to end...Why?


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
You know the feeling, when the last season of your favorite series is about to end while you have been watching it consistently on and off for years, you feel like you have grown with the show and than you realise it only has a few more shows left on air.

I've had two major shows which i sort of grew accustomed to over the years.

First one was, The OC - Which aired in 2003 up to 2007, that really got to me as it was that one show i would go home to and wait for it to air week by week, I really anticipated everytime that show was on.

My second choice would have to be, Chuck - About a Ordinary ' Computer Nerd' guy who gets dragged into Spy world. This just seemed like a reletable story to me, and when it ended (Which was recently)...It was amazing ending that could say goodbye to its audience.

Sorry if this comes off more of a Review type post, They really were the shows that i admired and used to take my time trying to get as much information about the shows even when they ended.

I wanted to know what shows did you feel the same about?

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Too many good shows where canceled during their prime. Veronica Mars is the one I have the most issue with. Shows like One Three Hill and Smallville are kept on the are for eons yet gems like VM are canceled after 2 seasons.
Flashforward, Prison Break and Lost would be among my top three. I loved all of those and I was very sad when I watched them all. I may start a petition to get a season two of Flashforward, silly American TV corporations. :p
I forgot to mention Flash Forward. Another good one that was taken off the air too soon.

Hey, Lost went on a tad too long. Damn them to purgatory!

I know right! The finale of Flashforward was actually the prelude to a second series bur ABC (Or whoever) decided the viewing figures were too low. That's what you get for a fail in your scheduling! The programme would've been a hit with a better slot.

Wether it went on for too long or not, I loved the show regardless, haha.
I don't see much TV.
My favourites will be Friends and mind your language!

I LOVED Friends so you won't hear a peep from me. The finale is one of the most watched telecast after all these years so I'll say they went out in their prime ... after TEN seasons. Now that is a feat

I stuck with it through the Joey/Rachel nonsense, that is how much I loved the show
Oh man, I am going to miss House :( It's a shame it it finishing but hey, it was fantastic, funny TV. My next goal in life is going to be to own every series boxset of House and watch them one after another. House<3
My Name is Earl, they leave you with a cliff hanger and you don't know who the father is! SALJ:KDASL:KDJASL:KDJ

The Shield, only show that I've really felt THAT sad it was over. I never got to see all of it when it was airing, so I bought all the dvds and watched them back to back to back for about two weeks. Once it ended I felt fulfilled, but sad it was over with. A lot of people didn't care for the ending, I thought it was perfect.
Friends! It was just getting good, and then they decided to end it.. Too add insult to injury, the last two episodes sucked.
Well I may lose some man points here, but The O.C.
I loved that show a lot and have seen all the seasons a couple times. Probably another would have to be Prison Break, and also 24.
Friends and House. Friends because it's all good fun but at the same time you learn really important life lessons dealing with friendships, family, love, following your dreams, making difficult decisions, failing and succeeding. :) House because it taught me how to accept when I'm broken and how to piss people off. haha.
Like many others have already posted, I would also go for Friends. Loved the show and would have been great if it continued to create more shows.
I've just been watching series 1-4 of 24 currently and now I wish that that didn't end even though i'm nowhere near the end of series 8 (or whatever it is) yet haha.
I always get into series too late or when they have finished and going by that I would say Inbetweeners and The It Crowd but I really enjoy my sitcoms aswell, such as How I met your Mother, Rules of Engagement and Big Bang Theory. :)
I always get into series too late or when they have finished and going by that I would say Inbetweeners and The It Crowd but I really enjoy my sitcoms aswell, such as How I met your Mother, Rules of Engagement and Big Bang Theory. :)
I love big bang theory, but I don't watch TV if it's not on netflix it doesn't exist :/

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