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Terrible Things You Eat Everyday


Legendary member
Feb 5, 2012
We all eat terrible stuff on a daily basis. My diet isn't that bad, but I do pack myself full of sugar every day in the forms of chocolate and hard candy. I also eat a lot of sugary cereal as a snack .... but yeah. What are some terrible things that you eat every day?
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I'll go with snacks such as chips, crisps, cookies and similar. However ever since the recession, I've been eating less and less crappy food (e.g. fast food and snacks).
My diet is reasonably good at the moment. I should eat more fruit though but I get a full course of vitamins with vegetables and Centrum tablets. I've been through periods where I will eat unhealthy but I will always revert back to a good diet. I don't eat much junk food.
My diet is reasonably good at the moment. I should eat more fruit though but I get a full course of vitamins with vegetables and Centrum tablets. I've been through periods where I will eat unhealthy but I will always revert back to a good diet. I don't eat much junk food.

Fruits are Veg are always good. Gotta get that fiber or else you will be pooping bricks!
I don't really think I eat anything bad for me on a daily basis any longer. It would have been white bread and fast food a few months ago and mountain dew but haven't had either of those in months. My diet consists of lots of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts and grain. Chicken and or fish 2 to 3 times a week and red meat once to twice a month.

Gotta tell you, since changing the diet up, haven't felt better.
I eat lots of processed foods which I really have to avoid in order to have a good health.

Fortunately I cut down on soda quite a lot.
oily stuffs? Are you sure that is edible stuff, man?


Jordan, you need to cut down on those chips. They really have no benefit to your nutrition at all. :( Substitute with chocolate? :D
I'm not too sure. I have a high metabolism (which sucks most of the time, honestly), so I can eat pretty much anything and not gain a pound.

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