Present the vision, the tools will come naturally. The simplicity is charming and any addition needs to sell itself. is it dedicated articles? Then a CMS may be worthwhile. Given the many flavors of the universe there maybe merits to badges and icons, or perhaps member generated groups to present their affiliations. Games, philosophies, obligatory 'retcon the sequels' group whatever. But the method is secondary to the intent, at least on matters of what to add...
I may as well note that a cafe, frequented already by jedi and sith and in betweens, is best presented neutral to these groups as far as possible. The staff are a background power, their word is law when it needs to be, but otherwise you have a host of brands and identities. Therefore distancing from jedi-specific terms, or the reverse, or designing based on any particular entry would be best in favor of more universal conventions and then user flair encouraged.