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So how did you get your username you currently use?

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Flame is shortened Flame war victim which I used on top admin when i discovered it having just lost out big time in a flame war and was feeling very sorry for myself. My usual monikor (when it is available) is sphinx - cause I am one hell of an enigmatic female.
Mine is the nick that I thought of at least 3 years ago. That nick has received an extension to it and I have created a few nicks, some which I forgot about. But the first nick I thought of is still the one I use mainly.
I've gone by many names on forums, but I'm liking this one. It started off as NixonPunch, then BatmansGamertag (which is still my Xbox gamertag haha), Lobster Back (I thought it was hilarious, but I kept getting mistaken for a British person), Sypres (Use to go by SypresDesigns) then finally Southern Comfort. Me and a friend were watching the Walking Dead and a Southern Comfort commercial come on when I was thinking for a name. "Dude, that fucking name is perfect for you." "I know!" I don't really care for the drink but it just kind of stuck.
I usually went by the names Prouduction, Fanatic or iMaaaat; and one day I really wanted to come up with an original name that would stick, so i started experimenting with a bunch of letters and Gytix was born. (Pronounced Ji-Tix in my mind any ways)
well, this name for me has been from the beginning of when i started foruming. my nickname is shadow, and as i've specified earlier, i'm a fan of combining opposites. so born was the name shadowslight
lol a few people get confused on the pronouncement they often say 'shadow-slight'
Just a nickname that I thought of out of the blue and have stuck with it ever since. My middle name is Caleb so it kinda sounds like Kalab.. and well you know the rest xD
Well I've been using 22_22 as my username for a few years now, since the start of my foruming experience to be exact. The 22 originates from the date of my birthday which is October 22nd but I can't really remember where the underscore or the others 2's came from. :p
Well I've been using 22_22 as my username for a few years now, since the start of my foruming experience to be exact. The 22 originates from the date of my birthday which is October 22nd but I can't really remember where the underscore or the others 2's came from. :p

It's actually a rather nice username... :)
It's actually a rather nice username... :)

Haha, thanks. I tend to use it on admin/promotion forums more than most, where as on gaming forums I would use my gamertag and other general forums I guess 22_22 for now. :p

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