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Setting Goals to Reach as a Community

Nov 26, 2015
I have seen many forums create goals that they hope the community reach per day, per week, maybe even per month. I've seen it done in threads, but I've also seen it on the forum index! What are your thoughts about this?

I know the typical is to set goals for a number of posts, perhaps number of threads to be created. I would find it more interesting if it could be more specific to niches.

What type goals would you create for your community? Would you do this for your community?
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I haven’t had the need to set goals for my own forum. I just take it as it comes. The only thing I do strive for is not to get burn-out. & when I start feeling that pull, to take time for Self-Care so it doesn’t overwhelm me.
I think people underestimate what running a forum is. Some take it lightly and then suffer a burn-out and just close the forum altogether. So it’s important to find yourself and also your limit when owning a forum. Pour in your soul, but make sure you don’t get a burn-out.
I’ve never had individual post goals, I feel like I’ll just rush posts to reach the goals which will reduce the quality. I’d much rather have 100 high quality posts than 1000 low quality ones.

I do like to set active member goals, although I never publish them. It keeps me on track and working harder to promote the forum.
At the moment on my forum, we have a goal widget on the sidebar where I have it set to 30 posts per day, 20 threads per day and 5 user upgrades a day as well which recently updated.

I do like having goals on the forum that everyone can see as I feel it encourages people to try and help hit the goals creating more activity.
At the moment on my forum, we have a goal widget on the sidebar where I have it set to 30 posts per day, 20 threads per day and 5 user upgrades a day as well which recently updated.

I do like having goals on the forum that everyone can see as I feel it encourages people to try and help hit the goals creating more activity.
That’s a good point, members are more likely to respond to threads they might not usually respond to if they know it’ll contribute to the goal.

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