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PS4 or Xbox One

I said custom-built PCs... not custom-built gaming consoles.

Although, you could technically build a PC and technically call it your own console if it has a its own operating system. :p
This Is a topic about Xbox one and PS4, not a custom build PC.
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Custom-built PCs are a valid alternative to the consoles that are being discussed. :p There's no need to be so rigid.
I thought I heard somewhere that they were not doing too well. Maybe just confused myself! How are they doing compared to the WiiU and PS4?

I think I got a little mixed up ...

No, you heard correct. A million sales from the United States and Canada (PS4), vs. a million sales from eight countries (XBO). It's clear which is the better received console.

Although, you could technically build a PC and technically call it your own console ...

What you don't realize, is that this has never been such a close statement to make as it is now. The consoles we have today are just low-end PCs.

Out of the two, I would go with the PlayStation. However, I'd much prefer to build an APU machine that will outshine both of them.

Grand Theft Auto V was the only reason for me wanting a PS4, but now that it's coming to PC anyway, I'm more than likely to build a machine for it.

This Is a topic about Xbox one and PS4, not a custom build PC.

And what exactly do you think these two consoles are?
What you don't realize, is that this has never been such a close statement to make as it is now.
If I didn't realize it, then I wouldn't have made that comment. :p

There are differences between consoles and PCs. In general, the hardware costs of a custom PC will be higher than its console equivalent (if the equivalent exists). Consoles have custom operating systems and architecture. But the advantages seem to end there. From that point on, the benefits of PC gaming come to light.

One of my favorite parts about PC Gaming is that your PC is much more functional than a console. :p You have so much more customization options.
In general, the hardware costs of a custom PC will be higher than its console equivalent (if the equivalent exists).

That's only true for the higher-end PC builds, equipped with Core i5s, i7s and the finest GPUs such as the R9 290X and the GTX 780. You can actually build a machine that will match the performance of these consoles, for around the same price. You just need to know what to look for to accomplish that. ;)

Consoles have custom operating systems and architecture.

Custom operating systems and GUIs, indeed. Custom architectures, no more. My entire point of my previous post was to point this out. :p
That's only true for the higher-end PC builds, equipped with Core i5s, i7s and the finest GPUs such as the R9 290X and the GTX 780. You can actually build a machine that will match the performance of these consoles, for around the same price. You just need to know what to look for to accomplish that. :wink:

Custom operating systems and GUIs, indeed. Custom architectures, no more. My entire point of my previous post was to point this out. :p
Any type of custom build will cost you a bit. If possible, you should try to start off with a base package. And for that, Intel seems to be best. Whether in terms of support, usability, or performance. :p AMD could help you with the costs in the mid-range as you said. But it's a no-go zone for many people.

That still doesn't mean that custom architectures will be thrown out for good. :p
I don't see it going back now. This could even be the last generation of consoles.
The idea that console gaming will be going away isn't likely to be true. For one thing, while consoles don't have the best specs, they usually do offer good prices, since the company makes most of its profit off of games than the console itself.
The idea that console gaming will be going away isn't likely to be true. For one thing, while consoles don't have the best specs, they usually do offer good prices, since the company makes most of its profit off of games than the console itself.

Microsoft keeps toying with selling its Xbox devision off. Nintendo really isn't selling much. Only Sony is really doing well. And that doesn't spell good for any of the companies, really. :p
I have a Xbox One, and I'm enjoying it.

It's pretty much just a $500 Halo-box though, just like every Xbox before that :)
Custom-built PCs are the way to go. Console are quite limited in what they can do. And you have less in-game control.
What do you expect when you have to spend like double the price to get better than a console.

Also ps4 is much better, xbox one doesn't interest me. The xbox is geared towards more Americans than any one else I have no interest in NFL or basketball stuff we don't have much interest in that over here. I want to game not watch tv so I got a ps4
What do you expect when you have to spend like double the price to get better than a console.

Also ps4 is much better, xbox one doesn't interest me. The xbox is geared towards more Americans than any one else I have no interest in NFL or basketball stuff we don't have much interest in that over here. I want to game not watch tv so I got a ps4
Those aren't the only games on Xbox One :p
I've grew up playing PS1 and PS2 so I naturally prefer PS4 over any other console. I also prefer PS4's exclusives over Xbox One's and now it seems like Xbox One's "exclusives" will eventually be released on PC (e.g. Ryse: Son of Rome) so I wont be missing out much.
I've grew up playing PS1 and PS2 so I naturally prefer PS4 over any other console. I also prefer PS4's exclusives over Xbox One's and now it seems like Xbox One's "exclusives" will eventually be released on PC (e.g. Ryse: Son of Rome) so I wont be missing out much.
i did wish i could play the new fable though i love those games im annoyed its not out on pc
I was a fan of Fable until Fable 3 ruined the franchise for me (I've only played the PC versions of the games).
same although i did enjoy the 3rd one that was the first one i played, i then went back and played the one previous onthe 360
What do you expect when you have to spend like double the price to get better than a console.

Not completely true. In Australia, the PS4 is $500. You can build a PC for that, that will outshine the console. And even at $400, you can still buy most of the components that'll do the trick.
I bought a PS4 a few months after launch. It is a great system but Sony is not updating its software quick enough and waiting for these new games blows. Xbox One looks very enticing but I am not going to buy another console for full price so maybe in a year or two I'll get one.

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