These are excellent points when it comes to how to maintain your business and ensure that it will be successful into the future as well. I think that all of these points have to do a lot with keeping up the reputation of your business and continuing to grow your reputation throughout the course that your business is in operation. People that see that you have quality products and are able to be responsible for what you are selling and give them the best possible service all those that will continue to be repeat customers, and it will build you up a good customer base to keep your business going for long periods of time.To achieve profitability and maintainability in a business must:
1. Produce quality products
2. Operate efficiently and effectively
3. Be socially responsible and ethical
A business man has responsibilities towards its stakeholders. The stakeholders are groups with a stake in the success and outcomes of a business e.g. customers, employees, investors and government regulators etc. The society at large is also a stakeholder as it is also affected by the business. The businesses are concerned about the effect of the production and distribution of their products on environment.