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PC Cleanup


Mythical member
Jan 27, 2012
Have you done a big clearup of your files? How many Gbs did you remove?

Just cleared out a heap of crap and removed 7.5 Gbs of stuff off.
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Have you done a big clearup of your files? How many Gbs did you remove?

Just cleared out a heap of crap and removed 7.5 Gbs of stuff off.

Oh ya all the time. I make it a point to try and at least clear my computer of old files at least every 6 months. The largest I have ever done though was around 200gb. That would have been though because I was cleaning out files on my other laptop that I specifically use for storage :p

I think if you do not delete files that you are no longer using or no longer need, then you should do a clean up every once in a while like I do. Gives you more space and speeds up your computer.
I probably dump out around 25-50GB a month haha. More when I'm dumping some TV Shows/Movies I'm done with. :/ I have two 1TB ext HDD's I use to store it all. One's got my iMac backups in one partition and another 500GB is for Windows crap. My other ext HDD stores all my music, movies, games etc. Probs around 300GB on there at the moment. I did just have a massive clearout of stuff from like 3 years ago though. I'm a hog :(
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I don't use a huge amount of hard disk space, however I do run cCleaner regularly to get rid of surplus files and to help speed up my PC. It really does help with the speed on my machine and it's a free tool, which is great.
My biggest clean up was 1.3 GB which for me is a lot as I'm constantly cleaning off junk files just to keep my computer running good. Any files in the recycle bin count toward that total. But not that time as my recycle bin was empty. I'm assuming those were temp files from an install by Windows. It was lagging my computer. Glad they are gone.
I need to do this. How does everyone do it? Has anyone used sites like PC matic or other sites?
200Gb is a lot although I suppose I don't tend to store movies or video files on my laptop.
Don't forget thoguh, 200gb may be a lot but like I stated, it was ebcause it was on a laptop that I specifically use as storage xD
I need to do this. How does everyone do it? Has anyone used sites like PC matic or other sites?
You do not really need to install any programs or visit any websites. Although, these types of things may do a more in depth clean, I normally just go through and uninstall any unused programs, go through all my documents, downloads, music, pictures folders and delete anything I do not need. etc. Don't forget to go through all my browsers and clear the cache and cookies :)
Jordan- when my computer is first turned on and I click on internet, it takes forever to load the pages and then says it could not load so I have to recover the page. What is causing this? How would you suggest I remedy this? It is very annoying as it only started doing this within the past 3 months or so.
I don't remember how many GB I removed from my laptop, but I am guessing I removed quite a lot of useless stuffs.
Oh ya all the time. I make it a point to try and at least clear my computer of old files at least every 6 months. The largest I have ever done though was around 200gb. That would have been though because I was cleaning out files on my other laptop that I specifically use for storage :p

I think if you do not delete files that you are no longer using or no longer need, then you should do a clean up every once in a while like I do. Gives you more space and speeds up your computer.
200GB? Damn. That is a lot of... ... ... I'll leave the curiosity up to you. :wink:

Every time I install and uninstall some of those open source games, it leaves tons of files that I have to manually delete. :(
Yes I had. I had a lot of junk on there so I removed it all, then I ran antimalware bytes and removed all the hidden stuff.

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