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Mental health and self-care

May 28, 2013
Mental health and self-care are incredibly important topics that affect us all in different ways. Whether we are struggling with a specific mental illness or just trying to navigate the stress and challenges of daily life, taking care of our mental well-being is essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life.

One of the biggest obstacles to addressing mental health and self-care is the stigma that still surrounds these issues. Many people are afraid to talk about their struggles or seek help for fear of being judged or misunderstood. This is why it is so important for us to create a safe and supportive community where we can openly discuss these topics and support one another.

Here are a few ideas to get the conversation started:

  • Personal experiences and challenges with mental health and self-care
  • Strategies and techniques for improving mental well-being
  • Resources and support for those who are struggling with mental health issues
  • How to create a culture of mental health and self-care in the workplace
  • Debunking the myths and misconceptions around mental health and self-care
I encourage everyone to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences on these topics or any others that are on your mind. Let's start a healthy and respectful discussion, and learn from each other's perspectives. Remember, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity.

If needed and wanted, I will create a subforum for more directly discussion to keep it clear and easily navigable.
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I've dealt with mental struggles just about all of my life, I've been diagnosed with anxiety and bipolar 2. I'm on a number of medications to reduce the symptoms. It's one of the toughest struggles of my life and it makes opening up hard and evenly struggling. I have rarely opened up to people I don't know well enough about my mental struggles as I'm afraid I'll be abashed or harassed.

I primarily practice self-care and mental health care by trying my hardest to keep myself busy all throughout the day. It can take your mind off of things and if you're doing something physical, that's always a plus to burn calories. I've been running on the treadmill off and on and that seems to help clear up my mind some.
Self-care is so important and we all end up thinking "there is no time" or "it's frivolous and not important"

Mental care is so important, because I think we need to be able to identify what's going on and be able to support ourselves, or get the support needed. I know generations that have thought "oh you're fine, suck it up" or "get over it"... Sometimes there isn't "getting over it" it's an obstacle and you gotta put the work into healing.

I have a coworker who took a few months off to go get some treatment care and be able to get strategies to deal with anxiety and depression. I'm so proud of her and she is to return before the end of the school year. A person in their 20s having to get this support... and many in my field was like "woah" because they don't see this happen frequently. I think as a whole we all must accept people have struggles just like we do and we all handle them differently.

I struggle with depression, it had been much better until last year. Anxiety has also been a thing I've noticed I've had. I'm a semi-perfectionist, or I like things done in a certain manner - I wouldn't say OCD... I just know that my ways work and it frustrates me when people do the opposite of what I say, because they think they are more smarter... then it fails. Drives me insane. I know I come off as bossy, but my anxiety is driving that mostly.

I've been working on how I handle scenarios and I'm trying to get a less stressful position in the long run so I can hopefully work on myself more.
I have a coworker who took a few months off to go get some treatment care and be able to get strategies to deal with anxiety and depression.
I went on many LOAs when I worked at Walmart due to having consistent anxiety attacks. It was a struggle at the time, but I always managed to pick myself back up on my feet.
I’m glad you were able to pick yourself up again! Last year I took off months but it was my own sick days unfortunately.
Thanks, the anxiety attacks were bad, but I dealt with them even worse when I was a teenager, but I don't think I was on any anti-anxiety meds at the time to help take the symptoms away.

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