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Launching Your MyBB Forums

Prince Tony

Jul 5, 2016
written by Tony on http://peach.is

This thread is specifically delivered to new MyBB users or even new forum owners in general. No matter what platform you're on, this is a great thread to follow if you want to grow your forum on the right foot. Building your site is the fun part, but advertising, creating content and getting it known is the hard part. That's why I'm here to give you a few tips on starting your forum right.

#1: Creating Content
Lot's of people wonder if hiring someone to write for their forum is a good idea. In my opinion it's not because you might not know just how SEO friendly your writers' posts are, even if they sound good. It's your forum and you should create the type of flavor your posts give their audience. Start your forum with a limited amount of categories, and try to post at least 1 - 2 high quality threads per day in each one. It may not seem like a lot, but after just a week you'll have more than 5 quality posts in every one of your forums. It's important to keep your content unique (meaning only you write it) and in the same niche. Make sure to include important keywords while you write.

#2: Networking
My rule of thumb is to always take to a social media platform. Create a Twitter and Facebook account that links to your forum. Whenever you have an important update on your site you can let your social media audience know when they are at work or in school. You can also socialize with others on Reddit and get your name out there even more. On your forum you should have social media icons in your footer or somewhere in your index for members to click.

#3: Determination!
So many forums fail because of the lack of determination to continue forward. Things will seem rough but over time your forum will start to age, develop content, and earn more memberships. I kept my eye on three forums for about 3 months and they all went down because the owners all lacked patience. If you want to start an online community you need to be seriously dedicated to it and educate yourself.

These are just a couple things to keep in mind when you build your MyBB forum. Hope this helps someone.

credits: http://www.peach.is/thread-9.html
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