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ios or android?

ios or android?

  • ios

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • android

    Votes: 16 84.2%

  • Total voters
I am a huge fan of iOS, I don't like any other mobile software.

My dad has android and I hate it, he prefers android over iOS which is more saddening :p
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I currently have an Android phone and I love it. My brother and cousin both have iPhones. Both are really nice platforms and I do not really have a preference.
But Android is owned by Google! Google is like the ultimate company right now! I guess Apples is huge too...
Most people would say iOS is more user friendly.

This argument really is quite invalid with today's versions of Android. Everything a typical would need is right there. Everything a more experienced user would need, is either right in front of them, or hidden to prevent newcomers from accessing the features. A quick Google search will get you up and running. I honestly have to disagree with this statement now, every time I see it.

Most normal citizens that don't know much about phones would prefer iOS.

And I'm sure that's not influenced at all by the dummies that work in the Apple Store, or the logo, or anything like that. :wink:

In response to the thread, I prefer Android. I would use iOS if it was given to me, and I sure as hell would use it over Windows Phone.
Android is more powerful, customizable, has more options in regards to hardware and developers can submit there apps on Play Store for free. iOS has a simple UI which is great for novice users since it's easy to use but it doesn't really outdo Android in many departments.
Android is way better for me in terms of ease of use and customizing options available. IOS can't beat that because it's a bit complicated to use for me and also doesn't offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to apps like in android. The simple fact that most major phone manufacturers have gone for android shows that it's simply user-friendly, for those in doubt.
I have experienced both and to say the least. I like android (Coming from a apple user) It's more about the person.

If you love customization, I would suggest Android

If you want something simple and easy to use, I suggest iPhones.
I prefer Android because it is more open and friendly unlike Apple that wants everyone to buy a Mac to publish apps.
Android OS all the way, I think anybody trying to get full control of their device is going to go with android. From a developers point of view I consider ios more profitable but that's changing really fast as the vast majority of users are turning to android.
Can I say neither, I'm a luddite :wink: ? My last Android device now runs Linux.

Android. Honestly though, if there was a way I could test out ios on a common Android phone ... I'd probably do it. I just don't want to cough up the money for a legit overpriced iPhone.
There are a few laptops that can support iOS, so I'd be surprised if some of the phones or tablets couldn't.

While I don't know which phones would allow you to install it directly, there is third-party software available to run iOS on Android devices or swap the OS. I've never used it so I can't guarantee it won't brick the phone, but iOSonAndroid claims to let Android phone owners replace their OS with iOS, and a quick search produces a few other alternatives that do the same. Maybe one of those can do what you're after.
I have chosen Android because of the customization. I mean on custom ROMs, 10000 Launchers, fonts etc....Really dislike IOS and Apple, iPhone is a good device but the operating system is just awful. Andorid is cheap while IOS is reeeeealllllllyy expensive.

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