First of all I eat healthy food so my teeth are in a good state due to it but regardless I brush them once in 2 days after I exercise, personally I hate doing it daily it freaks me out and I didn't like doing so in the past it trigerred me.
I know that it is healthy to do it even "twice" a day but I don't know how much of a proved fact it is and I like it as it now when its once in 2 days.. when I didn't do that it was even worse I simply didn't brush them..
Honestly, you're the first person that I've seen to say that he stays two days before brushing his teeth. I don't really know how that works for you but personally, it is something that is going to be very difficult for me to do knowing the fact that there is always going to be food particles in my mouth. For me to leave them not brushed off will always not feel so good for my mouth.