Personally the best I will always consider about a good company, is it good working environment and that's very important for both the entrepreneur and his staffs. it helps you worked freely in the company and with much confidence in your job.
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There are many things that are used to evaluate the company. For me, some of the things I consider are; customer feedback, staff feedback about the company, salary, leaves and the company working environment.
In order to rate a company , it depends kn the qualities you are seeing on the particular business , it might be the amount if money they are paying the staff's or maybe they have a good working environment.Personally the best I will always consider about a good company, is it good working environment and that's very important for both the entrepreneur and his staffs. it helps you worked freely in the company and with much confidence in your job.
In order to rate a company , it depends kn the qualities you are seeing on the particular business , it might be the amount if money they are paying the staff's or maybe they have a good working environment.
You are right that salary is the first thing that we consider but I think it is very necessary for us to consider the transport fare. We should not take a job that the transport fare will cost us about 40% of our salary.So, how do you usually rate a company? I might become an entrepreneur in some far away future and I just want to understand the requirements and what exactly is required for a good company. This could help me in recruiting people and also to help me choose a good company to work for, until then.
For me, the following would be including in the checklist:
1. Salary ( this is the first thing we all consider)
2. Good working environment ( fair enough rating and such)
3. Transport
4. Remote work ( as I work in IT field, I will have to include this point)
5. Leaves ( be it sick or casual leaves)
6. Company perks( if any)
7. Company policies, morals etc.,
What about you guys? Do you have anything else to add here?
If so, please do share your thoughts here.
How much are you being paid, how much work do you do, what other benefits do you receive from the company and the things like these will help you rate the company you are working for.
Sometimes the reputation of the company also plays a huge role in rating a company. It gives you a sense of satisfaction when you work in a well-known company instead of little-known company.
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