If you are a first-time internet store owner, you should select a niche that interests you. Conduct market research to uncover trending products in that area and develop a price plan. You can find things on platforms such as Alibaba or AliExpress.
Consider all costs, including the product price, delivery, fees, and any additional expenses. Know how much you can earn from each item. Analyze competitor prices and do thorough research on your suppliers. It is also a good idea to acquire product samples to verify the quality of the items you will be selling. Finally, remain adaptive to market developments to stay current with the latest trends.
Consider all costs, including the product price, delivery, fees, and any additional expenses. Know how much you can earn from each item. Analyze competitor prices and do thorough research on your suppliers. It is also a good idea to acquire product samples to verify the quality of the items you will be selling. Finally, remain adaptive to market developments to stay current with the latest trends.