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Hiring teenagers?

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I wouldn't mind hiring a teenager if I am honest as long as they were mature, responsible and had a passion for the forum and enjoyed interacting with the forum and helping with activity as well.

Sometimes you will find that you get teens on your forum that would not fit the moderator status and others, could do so. It's all about making the best judgement before hiring.

Heck having a teenager using a forum in general is a sign of hope for forums in general if you ask me haha.
I couldn't agree with you more. Teens tend to spend more time on social media and places like TikTok now so having a teen join a forum and be active is great and does show hope.
I don't see the issue really as the focus should be on the person's maturity and not how old they are. Maturity unfortunately doesn't always come with age as some insist on remaining childlike in their behavior and conduct for far longer then they should.
I agree with what's been said, if they are mature enough to take on such a role then they may be worthy enough to do so. I was a teenager when I started administrating/moderating and I thoroughly enjoyed it and didn't have many problems with other team members on the boards I was a part of. Sure, most teenagers can be immature and just dumb, but not every one of them is. Some of them mature quicker than others, with different factors in play.
As mentioned by most of us above, maturity and a sense of responsibility for the role if found in a teenager, it won't be a bad idea to give them a chance to work as a moderator for your forum. I myself used to be a GM (Global Moderator) in two WWE RAW Game Modding forums hosted by ZetaBoards back in the days!
I remember when we were teenagers creating forums.... xD So I wouldn't be against it. As long as their spelling was pretty spot on, minor mistakes are okay, as long as it isn't like acronym city...

They actually might be some of the best people to hire because they likely have the time to engage the community and fully participate as their schedules might allow for it more! Plus they may have fresher ideas that we never thought of.
As a 29 year old, absolutely not. Teens are SO prone to impulsive behavior, cliquing off, etc. Can this stuff happen with adults? Yeah, but it's not as likely to happen.
The absolute bare minimum age I put for staff is 18+. I just don't wanna deal with the potential mental gymnastics and/or drama that comes with teens.
I was creating and working on forums when I was 13 onwards so you can definitely find teenagers who are capable of the holding the positions. It really depends on their maturity and overall professionalism though. Some users you wouldn’t even know are probably teenagers!
As a 29 year old, absolutely not. Teens are SO prone to impulsive behavior, cliquing off, etc. Can this stuff happen with adults? Yeah, but it's not as likely to happen.
The absolute bare minimum age I put for staff is 18+. I just don't wanna deal with the potential mental gymnastics and/or drama that comes with teens.
Not all I would say are like that ;)

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