There are a number of advantages to working in the public sector, including job stability and the various high-quality benefits packages available. These include excellent retirement benefits and favorable insurance policies. Public employees typically enjoy better job security than private employees, except during periods of major budget cuts. Also, many government positions are permanent appointments once a probationary period has been met. After this period has past, it is very unlikely for an employee to be laid off.
Furthermore, once you have been granted employment within the public sector, it is relatively easy to move from one public sector position to another whilst still retaining the same benefits, holiday entitlements, and sick pay as you did in your previous role. In general, government workers also tend to earn better compensation compared to their private-sector counterparts; however, certain private-sector occupations can earn far more than the average public-employee salary
The primary difference between public- and private-sector jobs is that public-sector jobs are generally within a government agency, whilst private-sector jobs are those where employees are working for non-governmental agencies. This includes jobs within individual businesses as well as within other types of company organizations.
If you are looking for employment but are not sure whether you seek to work within the public or private sector, then the following guide will provide you with some useful tips and advice on the different types of jobs available within each sector: